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Saleshandy Review: Best Cold Email Software? [2024]

Preeti K
12 Mins Read
saleshandy top cold email

So, you’re on the hunt for the perfect tool to simplify your cold email endeavors and boost your success rates, right?

Well, you might have heard about Saleshandy, tagged as the ‘top cold email software’ in 2024. Loaded with a variety of features to improve email deliverability and optimize performance, many have turned to Saleshandy for their mass email outreach needs.

But does it truly stand tall in its category? Let’s chat about the good and the not-so-good aspects of Saleshandy. This way, you’ll get the insights you need to make a well-informed choice.

Are you set to find out what’s real and what’s not about Saleshandy’s image? Let’s see if it genuinely matches the buzz around it.

Key Takeaways

Looking for a tool to step up your cold email game? You might have come across Saleshandy, touted as the ‘best cold email software’ of 2024. This software is packed with features designed to up your email game and maximize results. It’s been a game changer for many in their bulk email efforts.

But is it really as great as it’s cracked up to be? Let’s discuss the pros and cons of Saleshandy. This will give you a clearer picture to base your decision on.

Ready to get the lowdown on Saleshandy? Let’s dive in and find out if it lives up to its reputation.

Saleshandy Overview and Features

Are you on the hunt for a top-quality cold email software? Saleshandy might just be the answer to your needs.

This platform shines when it comes to crafting carefully targeted, personalized, and automated cold email campaigns that help boost your lead generation and sales. Many rate it among the best options out there for cold email campaigns.

Imagine being able to whip up email campaigns that really hit the mark. With Saleshandy, that’s not just a dream. You can use features like personalized email sequences, merge tags, and automated follow-ups to create emails that really convert.

But, that’s not all. Saleshandy also has a B2B Lead Finder feature that’s packed with an impressive database of over 750 million contacts. You can use advanced filters to sift through these contacts and find the leads most relevant to you.

If you’re an agency, you’ll appreciate the agency portal and account management services Saleshandy offers. From one unified dashboard, you can manage client accounts, control permissions, get guidance on email deliverability, and analyze campaign analytics.

And let’s not forget about the free plan offering and email templates that Saleshandy provides. These make it an all-round sales engagement platform that can help you improve your email deliverability and achieve great results with your cold email campaigns.

All in all, Saleshandy is more than just a product; it’s a solution designed to make your job easier and more successful.

Pricing and Limitations

Let’s have a chat about the costs and possible restrictions you might run into with Saleshandy. Here’s the lowdown:

  1. How much does it cost?

Saleshandy has a range of pricing plans to fit all sorts of needs and budgets. For instance, the Pro plan will run you $25 per user each month. On the other hand, the Email Productivity Regular plan comes in at a more budget-friendly $9 per user monthly, while the Email Productivity Plus plan costs $22 per user each month.

  1. Can I try it before I buy it?

Absolutely! Saleshandy offers a 14-day trial period that gives you a chance to test drive its features before pulling out your credit card. Plus, there’s a free version you can use, though it might have more restrictions than the paid versions.

  1. Will it work for my needs?

While Saleshandy doesn’t specify any limitations, it might not have all the sales engagement tools some teams need. It’s a good idea to take a good look at the platform to see if it fits your unique needs and budget.

  1. How’s the customer service?

Saleshandy gets high marks for customer support. They’re quick to respond and effective at solving any issues or answering questions, which is handy when you’re in the middle of an email outreach campaign.

Agency Partner Portal and Client Management

If you’re searching for a way to juggle all the moving parts of your agency and client accounts, Saleshandy’s Agency Partner Portal and Client Management tool is just the thing you need!

Picture a unified dashboard where you can keep an eye on everything – from ensuring your emails are delivered smoothly to checking on how well your campaigns are doing. It’s all about making your job easier and more efficient.

You can rest easy knowing that client confidentiality is a top priority. With special permissions in place, you can safeguard sensitive data and stay on the right side of compliance laws.

What’s more? Saleshandy’s tool isn’t just about managing, it’s about improving too. With real-time email tracking, you can see exactly how well your personalized emails and Drip Campaigns are doing. It’s like having a crystal ball, giving you insights into your campaign’s success.

But wait, there’s more! The tool comes with a Unified Inbox and CRM integrations. This means you can pull together all your lead generation efforts into one place, making your workflow much smoother and more effective.

In a nutshell, Saleshandy’s Agency Partner Portal and Client Management tool is a complete package. It’s all about managing your client accounts better and giving your campaign performance a boost.

Analytics and Reporting

Want to make the most of your email campaigns? Saleshandy’s Analytics and Reporting features can give you the scoop on how well they’re doing. Here’s how Saleshandy can help you fine-tune your emails:

  1. You can keep tabs on how many people open your emails, click on the links inside, and respond. This helps you figure out which emails catch your audience’s attention the most.
  2. With some nifty filters and analytics, you can divide your audience into groups and tailor your emails to each one. This not only gets your emails to the right people, but it also helps you gather more leads.
  3. Saleshandy has a neat feature called Sequence Score that lets you see how well your email sequences are doing. Use this information to tweak your sequences and make them even better.
  4. Stay in the loop with real-time notifications and reports. Saleshandy’s automation tools keep you updated on how well your sales efforts are doing.

With the insights you get from Saleshandy’s Analytics and Reporting, you can make more informed decisions about how to connect with possible customers. By sending personalized, automated messages, you can reach out to them more effectively.

User Reviews and Feedback

Let’s chat about Saleshandy, shall we? It’s a cold email software tool that’s been getting a lot of buzz lately. As with anything, it’s important to hear from people who’ve actually used the product before taking the plunge. That’s why we’re going to delve into user satisfaction ratings, address any common gripes, and highlight some standout testimonials.

Remember, these insights aren’t just interesting – they’re crucial in helping you decide if Saleshandy is the right fit for your cold email needs. It’s all about making an informed decision, right?

User Satisfaction Ratings

Saleshandy is earning rave reviews from users, boasting a pretty impressive satisfaction score of 4.6⭐ out of 5 on G2 and 4.5⭐ out of 5 on Capterra. So, what’s making the users tick? Here are four reasons:

  1. The first one’s a no-brainer – it’s all about more leads and sales. Users are finding that Saleshandy is a real game-changer when it comes to cranking up their lead generation and turbo-charging their sales process.
  2. Next up is the feature to set up personalized email campaigns. With Saleshandy, users can customize email sequences with merge tags and automated follow-ups, allowing them to tap into a more targeted approach for their potential leads and customers.
  3. Users are also loving the user-friendly nature of Saleshandy’s interface. It’s easy peasy to navigate and setup email campaigns, taking the headache out of the process.
  4. Last but not least, users are seeing an uptick in their reply rates. Thanks to Saleshandy’s features, they can send out personalized emails to the right audience, leading to higher engagement and response rates.

Common User Complaints

While Saleshandy has a lot going for it, there have been a few hiccups along the way, according to some users. Delivering emails has sometimes proven to be a bit of a struggle, with a few customers noticing their emails landing in spam boxes.

As for the user interface, some have found it to be a bit on the complicated side. If you’re just getting started with the software, you might need a little time to find your way around.

On top of that, some people were hoping for more advanced features, feeling that Saleshandy fell a bit short compared to other software they’ve used.

Customer service was another area where some users felt there was room for improvement. Faster response times and more efficient handling of technical issues were some of the suggestions made.

Notable User Testimonials

We’ve received some fantastic feedback from users about their experience with Saleshandy. Here’s what they had to say:

  1. Kevin was over the moon about the support and productivity he experienced with Saleshandy. He even offered some ideas for making it even better.
  2. One person found Saleshandy to be a lifesaver, especially during the lockdown. They loved how budget-friendly it was and how smoothly it integrated with their Gmail account.
  3. People are really digging the features we offer such as email tracking, drip campaigns, follow-ups, templates, and scheduling. They find these tools as great assets in customizing their messages and improving their outreach efforts.
  4. A user gave a shout-out to Woodpecker for its unique sending algorithm and automation. They found that it really ramped up their engagement rates.

These experiences shared by users highlight the value of Saleshandy. It’s not just a tool, but a means to reach potential customers, engage with them effectively, and see a real boost in click-through rates.

Final Verdict and Next Steps

After looking at all the bells and whistles, plus those great reviews on G2 and Capterra, it’s pretty clear that Saleshandy really shines as the top pick for cold email software in 2024. It’s got everything you need for effective email outreach – be it for generating leads, personalizing your approach, or automating your email campaigns.

But hey, suppose you’re on the hunt for something offering a bit more bang for your buck or maybe some additional lead generation channels. In that case, you might want to check out some other options. Some worthy alternatives are Yesware,, GMass, and Mixmax. Each of these comes with its own set of cool features, user ratings, and ways to integrate with other platforms.

To beef up your email outreach game, you should definitely check out Saleshandy’s Agency Portal and Account Management Services too. They’ve got this awesome dashboard that pulls everything together, control settings, advice on email delivery, and reports on how well your campaigns are doing – all super useful for managing client outreach.

Lastly, it’s worth doing a bit of homework to better understand these email outreach tools. Compare the top 5 options, check out their key features, and think about how such tools could help you reach out to the right people, save you money, and give your return on investment a nice little boost.

Bonus – Cold Emailing Best Practices

When diving into the world of cold emailing, there are a few pointers that can significantly up your game. First things first, striking the right balance for your email frequency is a biggie. You don’t want to be that person who’s always flooding inboxes, but at the same time, you want to stay fresh in your contacts’ minds.

Next up, let’s chat about personalization. It’s more than just a buzzword – it’s a game changer. By using merge tags to tailor each email to its recipient, you can boost your open and response rates by a mile.

Oh, and let’s not forget the power of a killer subject line! It’s the first thing your recipient sees, and its job is to make them want to click and read more. So, spend some time crafting a subject line that’s both catchy and intriguing.

Optimal Email Frequency

Determining the best frequency for your cold email campaigns is key for making the most out of your reach-out efforts and boosting interaction. Here’s what you need to think about when deciding how often to send your cold emails:

  1. Know Your Market: Each industry and audience has its own unique email preferences. Think about what your specific group might expect and appreciate.
  2. Value is Key: Make sure every email you send delivers something worthwhile to its recipient. Keeping your content relevant and consistently sent can help keep your recipient’s interest piqued.
  3. Keep an Eye on Engagement: Track the responses and engagement from your recipients. Use this feedback to fine-tune your email frequency and find the sweet spot.
  4. Striking a Balance: Avoid overwhelming your recipients with a flood of emails, as it can lead to them unsubscribing or tuning out. On the flip side, don’t let too much time pass without any contact, so you stay on their radar.

Personalization Techniques

Want to make your cold emails more engaging? Try personalizing them! A simple trick is to use merge tags that customize your emails with fields like [First Name] or [Company Name]. This little tweak can make your emails much more relatable and show your recipients that you’ve made an effort to understand their needs. This often translates to higher open and response rates, which is always a win!

What’s more, timing is everything. Try sending your personalized emails at times when people are more likely to check their inboxes, like Tuesdays between 10 AM and 11 AM or after 5 PM. It’s a small detail, but it can make a big difference.

Don’t forget to set up automatic follow-up emails to keep your leads engaged and increase your chances of getting responses. And here’s a pro tip: use an email deliverability feature to make sure your emails actually land in your recipient’s inbox, not their spam folder.

By using these personalization techniques and best practices, you can create standout cold emails that encourage clicks and generate positive outcomes.

For small businesses looking to take their outreach to the next level, Saleshandy is a great tool. Its cold email automation and built-in email verifier can help you personalize your outreach and make your cold email campaigns a success.

Effective Subject Lines

If you’re looking to up your cold email game, the first thing you need to tackle is the subject line. It’s the first thing your recipient sees and it’s the deciding factor on whether your email gets opened or not. So, how do you craft a killer subject line? Let’s chat about some strategies.

First up, make it personal. If you know the person’s name, use it! It makes the email feel more like a one-on-one chat rather than a mass email. This can really bump up your open rates.

Next, keep it clear and to the point. You want your recipient to know exactly why you’re emailing them, so don’t beat around the bush. Get your message across in as few words as possible.

And don’t be afraid to play around a bit. Try out different subject lines to see what works best. This is called A/B testing and it can give you some great insights into what your audience responds to.

Finally, steer clear of words that might land your email in the spam folder. Certain words can trigger spam filters, so be careful with your word choices.

Which Cold Email Software Should I Choose Between Saleshandy and Waalaxy?

When deciding between Saleshandy and Waalaxy for your cold email needs, consider the waalaxy review features pricing to make an informed choice. Both platforms offer unique features and pricing options, so it’s essential to evaluate what each one has to offer and how it aligns with your specific requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Best Hosting for Cold Emails?

If you’re in the market for cold email hosting, there’s a good number of top-notch options out there. You’ll want to keep some key things in mind. Think about personal touches, crafting powerful templates, sidestepping spam filters, and zeroing in on the correct audience. How about creating irresistible subject lines, monitoring how well you’re doing, knowing the ins and outs of follow-ups, and setting up automated campaigns?

Choosing email hosting isn’t just about picking any provider. It’s about finding one that fits your needs and can help you achieve your goals. It’s also crucial to communicate clearly and directly. No need for fancy, complicated language here.

Also, keep an eye out for clichés and overused phrases. They can make your emails feel generic and impersonal. Instead, provide some context. Explain why what you’re saying matters.

Smooth transitions between ideas can also help your emails feel more natural and easy to read. And remember, active voice is your friend! It’s more direct and easier to understand.

And finally, avoid exaggeration. Stick to the facts and back up what you’re saying with evidence. That’s the best way to build trust with your audience and ensure your emails are effective.

Is Cold Emailing Still Effective?

Sure thing, cold emailing still works wonders! If you’ve got the knack for creating personalized emails that catch the eye, you’re onto something. And let’s not forget how important those intriguing subject lines are. You’ll need to keep track of your email’s performance too, so pay close attention to how many people are opening your emails and how many are taking the action you’re asking them to.

To make your cold email campaigns even more effective, why not try out some strategies like A/B testing or using automation tools? These little tricks can help you improve your results. And remember, following up is key. Don’t be disheartened if you don’t get a response right away, keep engaging your recipients with relevant and useful information.

What Is the Success Rate of Cold Emails?

So, how often do cold emails actually work? Well, it’s not a one-size-fits-all answer. It really depends on a variety of factors. One thing’s for certain though – making your emails stand out helps. You can do this by personalizing your emails, using well-crafted templates, and implementing strategic follow-ups. The aim is to catch the eye of your target audience and draw them in with engaging subject lines.

It’s also critical to monitor how your emails are performing. This means tracking key metrics and making sure your emails are actually reaching your audience’s inbox. And let’s not forget about utilizing automation tools to simplify the process and ensure you’re sticking to industry best practices. All these elements combined can greatly improve the odds of your cold emails hitting the mark.

Remember, it’s all about writing in a way that speaks to your audience and feels human. After all, nobody wants to feel like they’re just another name on a mailing list. And make sure your language is clear and straightforward. No need for fancy jargon or cliched phrases. It’s all about genuine communication.

Why is all this important? Because it can make the difference between your email being opened or sent straight to the trash. So take the time to create thoughtful, engaging cold emails – it’s well worth the effort.

What Is Woodpecker Software?

Have you ever heard of this cool tool called Woodpecker? It’s a super smart piece of software that takes care of your cold emails, making sure they’re delivered just right. Think of it as your own personal assistant for email outreach, ensuring every email feels like it’s coming from a human, not a robot.

One of the best things about Woodpecker is the way it handles follow-ups. You know how those can be a pain, right? Well, Woodpecker takes that problem off your hands by automatically dealing with them. And that’s not all – it also plays well with other tools you might be using, making it a seamless part of your workflow.

Why should you care? Well, because this sort of approach to email outreach can really up your game. It could lead to better engagement with your emails, which is always a good thing. Plus, it’s a breeze to integrate with your CRM, making it an even more attractive option.

And the cherry on top? It’s quite affordable, with a variety of pricing options to suit different needs. So, if you’re looking to make your email outreach more effective and efficient, you might want to give Woodpecker a closer look.