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10 Sales Enablement Tools to Get More Customers in 2021

Preeti K
13 Mins Read
sales tools for customer acquisition

Feeling a bit overwhelmed with the task of finding new customers? Don’t fret, we’re here to help. In this piece, we’re going to talk about 10 top-notch sales enablement tools that are bound to make your life easier in 2021.

We’re talking about fantastic tools, from email outreach software like lemlist, to customer interaction platforms like Drift.

These tools are going to give you the boost you need to bring in and engage more customers.

So, are you ready to transform your sales game and reach your targets? Let’s dive in and see how these sales enablement tools can give you the edge you need.

Key Takeaways

Are you feeling the pressure of hunting down new customers? No need to stress, we’re here to lend a hand. In this article, we’re going to spill the beans on 10 first-rate sales enablement tools that are set to simplify your life in 2021.

We’re discussing impressive tools, ranging from email outreach software like lemlist, to customer interaction platforms such as Drift.

These tools are set to provide you with the push you need to attract and connect with more customers.

So, are you prepared to revamp your sales strategy and hit your goals? Let’s jump in and find out how these sales enablement tools can offer you the advantage you require.

Lemlist – Email Outreach Tool

If you’re looking for a way to better connect with new leads via email, then let me introduce you to Lemlist. It’s this super handy tool that really amps up the personal touch in your emails.

Imagine being able to put personalized images right in your emails – it’s a surefire way to grab someone’s attention. And, trust me, in the crowded space of someone’s inbox, you want to stand out.

But it doesn’t just stop at images. Lemlist lets you level up with personalized videos and even landing pages. It’s about creating a deeper connection with your potential clients, really engaging them.

And the best part? It doesn’t matter if you’re a small business just starting out or a big corporation, Lemlist caters to everyone.

One more thing I should mention – it’s got great email deliverability. That means your carefully crafted emails actually end up in the right inbox.

HubSpot – Easy-to-Use CRM

Are you aiming to give a boost to your email outreach? Let’s chat about HubSpot, a user-friendly CRM packed with all the tools you need to handle your clients, sales, and marketing effectively.

Here are four reasons why your sales team will find HubSpot super handy:

  1. Keeping track of customers and deals: HubSpot’s CRM lets you keep tabs on your customers and all their interactions. This means you can stay organized and build solid relationships with them.
  2. Managing your sales pipeline: HubSpot lets you effortlessly handle your sales pipeline, keep an eye on deals at all stages, and focus your efforts where they’re most needed.
  3. Crunching the numbers: HubSpot comes with powerful reporting features, offering you crucial insights into your sales performance. This means you can make decisions based on hard data, not guesswork.
  4. Powerful marketing tools: Besides its CRM features, HubSpot is loaded with potent marketing tools like blogging, lead management, and analytics. This helps you pull in leads and turn them into loyal customers.

Starting at just $50 a month, HubSpot is a reliable and budget-friendly CRM solution for sales teams aiming to up their game in sales enablement.

Salesforce – CRM for Enterprise Companies

Are you a large-scale business in search of a top-tier CRM solution? Well, Salesforce might just be what you need.

Imagine having a set of CRM tools at your disposal that helps you manage all aspects of customer relations, from online interaction to field outreach. And that’s not all – we’re talking marketing automation, analytics, app development, you name it.

Salesforce CRM Features

Salesforce CRM is like your personal superhero when it comes to managing customer relationships and sales processes for big businesses. Let’s chat about four of its awesome features that can really take your sales game to the next level:

  1. Sales Cloud: Imagine having a personal assistant to help you manage all your sales tasks. That’s what Sales Cloud does. It offers you tools for things like managing leads, keeping track of opportunities, and even forecasting your sales.
  2. Service Cloud: Customer service is a breeze with Service Cloud. It keeps all your customer info in one place, automates your support processes, and even lets your customers help themselves with self-service options.
  3. Marketing Cloud: Want to create marketing campaigns that really hit the mark? Marketing Cloud’s got you covered. It helps you craft targeted campaigns, make your customer interactions personal, and keep track of how your campaigns are doing to bring in more leads and conversions.
  4. AppExchange: Need more functionality for your CRM? AppExchange is Salesforce’s own bustling marketplace, filled with third-party apps and integrations you can use to customize your CRM to your business’s specific needs.

In a nutshell, Salesforce CRM is a powerful tool that can help you streamline your sales and customer relationship processes, so you can focus on what really matters – growing your business.

Salesforce Pricing Options

Let’s chat about Salesforce pricing and the variety of options they offer, shall we?

If you’re a large corporation on the hunt for a robust CRM solution, Salesforce has got you sorted. They’ve got a wide range of CRM tools, specially designed for sales teams who need a comprehensive solution.

And guess what? Their pricing is pretty affordable too, starting from just $25 a month. That’s a pretty sweet deal for businesses of all sizes, don’t you think? The beauty of Salesforce is they offer varied pricing based on the tools you need and the size of your business, so you get to pick and choose what works best for you and your budget.

Salesforce has you covered whether you’re handling customer outreach online, in the field, managing your marketing automation, delving into analytics or even building apps. They’ve got all the essential tools to support your entire sales process.

So, by opting for Salesforce’s flexible pricing options, your sales team can amp up their efficiency, build better relationships with customers, and bring in more revenue for your business.

Sounds like a win-win, doesn’t it?

Crystal – Sales Enablement Tool for Psychology

Have you heard about Crystal? It’s this amazing tool that’s going to revolutionize the way your sales team operates.

Imagine being able to understand your clients on a deeply personal level, getting a sense of their personality and communication style. Sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie, right? But it’s not!

Crystal uses some serious data crunching to analyze your prospective clients’ personalities. It’s like having a personal psychologist for your business. Crystal takes a look at things like social media presence or CRM data and then builds personality profiles. Think about how handy that is! You get to know your clients before you even make the first call.

But it doesn’t stop there. Crystal also gives you advice on how to interact with your clients effectively. It’s like having a personal coach guiding you on how to tailor your approach to each client.

And the best part? It integrates with Slack. So, all this valuable information is right there in your team’s communication hub. This means your sales team can adapt their approach on the fly, ensuring they’re always communicating in the best possible way.

Personality Profiling for Sales

Hey there! Have you ever thought about how much your sales could improve if you understood your prospects better? That’s where Crystal’s personality profiling comes in. It’s like a secret weapon for your sales team, offering valuable insights into how your prospects communicate and think. It’s not just a cool tool to have, it’s a game-changer, and here’s why:

  1. Getting to know your prospects: Crystal’s system digs deep into the personality traits and preferences of your prospects. This gives you a better understanding of who you’re talking to and how to connect with them on a deeper level.
  2. Communicating effectively: Once you understand your prospects’ communication style, you can adjust your messaging to fit their needs. It’s all about building trust and rapport, and this tool can help you do that.
  3. Tailoring your sales approach: With personality profiling, you can customize your sales strategies to each prospect’s unique traits. It’s like having a custom-made suit – it just fits better. And a better fit means a better customer experience and a higher chance of making the sale.
  4. Boosting your sales effectiveness: By aligning your sales process with your prospects’ communication styles and preferences, you increase your chances of successful interactions and conversions.

Adding Crystal’s personality profiling to your sales enablement platform equips your sales team with the insights they need to make stronger connections and close more deals. It’s like giving them a roadmap to success. Trust us, your sales team will thank you for it!

Effective Communication Strategies

Want to get a leg up on your customer engagement? Crystal’s personality profiling tool might be just what you need. Crystal uses data analysis to figure out the personality traits of potential customers. It then offers up insights on how best to communicate with them.

Think of it as a secret weapon in your sales arsenal. By using Crystal, you can really understand who you’re dealing with and how to approach them. It’s all about tailoring your messaging to fit the individual. And the best part? It’s all based on their social media presence or CRM data.

And don’t worry, it’s not going to disrupt your workflow. Crystal plays nice with platforms like Slack. Plus, it’s not going to break the bank. You can give it a spin with a free trial, and if you like what you see, subscriptions start at just $29 per month.

Integration With Slack

Pairing up our tool, Crystal, with Slack is like bringing together two best buddies. Their synergy helps your sales team work better and sell smarter. Let’s chat about how this can be a game-changer for your team:

  1. Easy Peasy: Imagine having Crystal’s personality insights and message crafting tips right inside your Slack window. Just a click away, no need for app-hopping. It’s like having a personal assistant that helps you work more efficiently.
  2. Instant Wisdom: Picture this – you’re chatting with a lead or a customer in Slack, and Crystal pops up with situational communication advice. It’s like having a psychology expert whispering in your ear, helping you deliver more tailored and impactful messages.
  3. Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Crystal isn’t just your sidekick, it’s a buddy for the whole team. Sharing insights within Slack helps everyone align their communication styles. It’s like having a shared playbook that keeps everyone in sync and your messaging consistent.
  4. Always There, Always Ready: With Crystal living inside Slack, you always have access to its wisdom. It’s like a never-ending supply of smart advice, right when you need it. This real-time assistance helps you adapt your approach and make more informed decisions on the fly.

Pretty cool, huh? It’s like having a secret weapon that boosts your sales team’s efficiency and effectiveness. Now, that’s what we call working smarter, not harder!

DropContact – Contact Email Finder

Are you on the hunt for a tool that can help tidy up your sales team’s lead generation process and boost the reliability of contact information?

Then you’ll appreciate DropContact. This unique tool is perfect for finding contact emails on a large scale and gathering that vital information for your sales squad.

With DropContact, the process of locating and confirming contact emails becomes a breeze. This simple action could have a major impact on your lead generation and outreach activities. Accurate contact information is the key to nurturing leads and propelling them through your sales funnel.

DropContact is truly a game-changer for your sales strategies, helping you win over more customers via precise and reliable contact information. Don’t let incorrect contact details throw a wrench in your online marketing plans – give DropContact a shot today. – Email Address Finder

Looking for a way to improve your lead generation and make sure your contact info is on point? You might want to give’s Email Address Finder a try. Here’s why it could be just the thing you need:

  1. Grow your potential client list: The Email Address Finder tool from makes it a breeze to collect email addresses. This can help you broaden your horizons and reach a wider range of potential customers.
  2. Three essential tools for successful networking: With, you can search domains to find emails linked to specific websites, or even use the email finder to hunt down individual contacts. What’s more, the tool also verifies emails to make sure your messages always hit the mark.
  3. Boost your email campaign results: Verifying email addresses can help you boost the effectiveness of your email campaigns. You can make sure your messages are getting through to the people they’re meant for.
  4. No-cost basic usage: offers a free profile that gives you 50 domain or email requests every month. This lets you test out the tool’s features without spending a penny.

With the Email Address Finder from, you can make your lead generation process smoother and ensure your contact information is spot-on. This could be the key to winning over more customers.

Phantombuster – Web Data Extraction and Automation Tool

Are you interested in making your data extraction process more efficient and automating activities on your favorite social media platforms? Let me introduce you to Phantombuster – your ultimate buddy for web data extraction and automation.

This tool is designed to make your life easier and provide valuable insights that can enhance your business strategies.

Think of it as a sales automation tool that’s armed with advanced features to make your data extraction process a breeze. By handling your routine tasks automatically, Phantombuster gives you more time to focus on the more important aspects of your business.

What’s the best part? You can use Phantombuster to gather critical web data that can cater to various business requirements. This tool is flexible and allows you to customize your automation process according to your needs.

Drift – Customer Communication and Conversion Optimization Tool

Alright, let’s move on from Phantombuster and get to know another fantastic tool: Drift. Now, Drift isn’t just your average tool, it’s an ally when it comes to communicating with your customers and optimizing those all-important conversions.

Let me tell you about its four key features:

  1. Live chat: You know how crucial real-time communication is, right? Well, Drift’s live chat feature lets you chat with your website visitors right when they’re browsing. This immediate interaction can boost your chances of turning a casual browser into a confirmed customer.
  2. Sales videos: With Drift, you can whip up and share your own sales videos. These aren’t just fun to make; they’re a brilliant way to engage potential customers and share your message in a way that’s both entertaining and personalized.
  3. Automated emails: Drift helps you keep in touch with your leads by automating your email communication. This way, you can gently guide them along the sales journey, all while saving time and effort.
  4. Conversion optimization: This is where Drift really shines. Its platform is designed to better customer interactions and increase conversion rates by making your communication and sales processes smoother and more efficient.

Callpage – Widget for Requesting Call Backs

Looking to enhance your interaction with customers and boost your sales communication? Give Callpage a try!

It’s a handy widget that lets your customers ask for a call back from your sales team in less than half a minute.

This tool offers a simple yet effective way for customers to reach out to you.

You’ll notice a significant improvement in your customer service and see a rise in conversions.

Instant Customer Connections

Want to pump up your sales and get more customers this year? Consider using Callpage’s Instant Customer Connections tool. This game-changer lets people visiting your website ask for a call back from your sales team in just half a minute. Let’s chat about why this tool is a no-brainer for your sales strategy:

  1. Better Lead Generation: Think of it as a quick and easy way for customers to chat with your sales reps. The smoother their experience, the more likely they’re to sign on the dotted line.
  2. Easier Customer Engagement: It’s all about making life easier for your sales team. This tool helps them connect with potential customers in real-time without any fuss.
  3. Super Quick Response Times: The beauty of Instant Customer Connections? Your sales team can respond to customer queries in a flash – 30 seconds to be precise. That’s sure to impress!
  4. Higher Conversion Rates: When customers can ask for a call back right away, they’re more likely to become paying customers. More customers mean more revenue. It’s as simple as that.

Efficient Sales Communication

Elevate your sales interactions and ramp up customer involvement with Callpage’s nifty tool for scheduling call backs. This tool is like your personal assistant, smoothing out the customer connection process. It lets your customers easily ask for a call back and get in touch with your sales team in less time than it takes to brew a cup of coffee.

Callpage’s widget is as easy to use as a click of a button. It integrates smoothly with your business website, creating a simple and effective channel for your customers to chat with your sales team. Plus, it’s a boon for your sales team too. No more sifting through a mountain of customer requests – the widget helps your team organise and rank the call back requests to respond faster.

With this nifty tool, you’re not just speeding up communication – you’re also ramping up lead generation and improving your sales numbers. Don’t let the chance slip by to amp up your customer involvement and drive more sales. Make the most of Callpage’s widget for scheduling call backs.

Increased Conversion Rates

Boost your sales and enhance customer interactions with the help of Callpage’s call-back widget. This handy tool can help your business flourish in a few key ways:

  1. Instant connection: With our widget, customers can ask for a call back and be chatting with a sales manager in less than a minute! Customers love speedy responses, and quick replies can boost your conversion chances.
  2. Lead nurturing: Instant interaction via Callpage’s widget means your leads get the attention they need, right when they need it. Your sales team can answer queries in real-time and provide that personalized touch, all of which can help turn leads into conversions.
  3. Better sales experience: By adding Callpage’s widget to your sales tech tools, you’re streamlining your sales process. It’s a smoother, more user-friendly process that customers will appreciate, and that can lead to more conversions.
  4. Happy customers, successful business: Customers appreciate a quick and easy way to request call-backs, and our widget provides just that. Happy customers are more likely to become conversions, helping your business grow.

Albacross – Website Visitor Tracking and Lead Identification

Ever heard of Albacross? It’s a fantastic tool that’s changing the game in website visitor tracking and boosting lead identification. Imagine this – you’ve got a website and you’re getting visits, but you don’t know who these visitors are or what they’re interested in. Albacross steps in here. It tracks who’s visiting your website and gives you insights into their company information.

Wondering why it matters? Well, it’s simple. Knowing more about your website visitors means you can fine-tune your approach to nurturing leads. You get to understand their interests and behaviors, which is gold for any sales and marketing strategy.

Think about it. With Albacross, you’re not just shooting in the dark. You’re getting the data you need to target potential customers more effectively. It’s like having a secret weapon in your sales arsenal.

But it doesn’t stop there. Albacross isn’t just about tracking and identifying leads. It’s also about helping you engage with potential customers in a meaningful way. It’s about getting you closer to your sales goals.

How Can Pipedrive Integrations and Automation Tools Improve Customer Acquisition?

Pipedrive integrations and automation hacks can dramatically improve customer acquisition by streamlining processes and increasing efficiency. By integrating Pipedrive with other software and implementing automation tools, businesses can better organize lead data, track interactions, and nurture relationships, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates and a more effective sales pipeline.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Sales Enablement Tools?

Think about sales enablement tools as your best buddies in the sales world. They’re like a Swiss army knife, jam-packed with features to help manage your content, train your sales team, analyze performance, and sync with your CRM. They’re all about bringing your marketing and sales teams together, boosting productivity, and ultimately, helping your bottom line grow. And who doesn’t love seeing their business grow, right?

How Do You Increase Sales Enablement?

If you’re looking to boost your sales enablement, you’re in the right place. The key is to adopt effective strategies and techniques that really work. Start with tailoring your content to your audience – it adds that personal touch which can make all the difference. You might want to try out tools like lemlist – they’re great for creating engaging, personalized emails.

Next, look at how you’re managing your clients. Platforms like HubSpot and Salesforce can be a real game-changer here, helping you keep track of clients and their needs.

Last but not least, getting to know your prospects can take your sales to the next level. Tools like Crystal can give you insights into their personalities, helping you connect with them on a deeper level.

And that’s it! With these strategies, you’ll be well on your way to increasing your sales enablement.

What Is the Future of Sales Enablement?

Isn’t it thrilling to think about what’s next for sales enablement? Picture a world where the latest tech advancements, like artificial intelligence and machine learning, are your everyday tools for engaging with customers. And it’s not just about crunching numbers or data anymore. We’re moving towards creating immersive experiences with virtual and augmented reality. Imagine showing your clients the real-time benefits of your product with just a click! And let’s not forget about CRM systems. They’re becoming more integrated and user-friendly. This isn’t just about making life easier for sales teams, it actually improves the whole customer journey. So, it’s fair to say that the future of sales enablement is full of promise and innovation. Get ready for it!

How Big Is the Sales Enablement Tool Market?

You know what’s really exciting? The sales enablement tool market is booming! Reports predict that it could hit a whopping $3.16 billion by 2024. Why is it growing so fast, you ask? Well, more and more businesses are realizing the value of tools that help boost their sales productivity and make their processes smoother. And who are the big players in this market? We’ve got companies like lemlist, HubSpot, Salesforce, Crystal, and DropContact leading the pack. So, if you’re in the sales game, this is definitely a market trend to keep an eye on!