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How to Solve: SMTP Auth Extension Not Supported by Server

Preeti K
11 Mins Read

Sending email from an app using Python may result in the error “SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server.” This error occurs when the server does not support SMTP authentication. To resolve this issue, you need to establish a connection before logging in and sending the email.

Key Takeaways:

  • SMTP authentication error can occur when the server does not support the SMTP AUTH extension.
  • Double-check the server settings and credentials to troubleshoot the issue.
  • Ensure the SMTP client is configured correctly and supports authentication.
  • Consider using a different email client or app if the issue persists.
  • Contact your email provider or server administrator for further assistance if needed.

Troubleshooting SMTP Auth Error

When encountering the SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server error, there are several troubleshooting steps you can follow.

First, make sure to check that you have the correct server settings and credentials. Double-check the server address, port number, username, and password to ensure they are entered correctly.

This is crucial as any incorrect information can lead to authentication errors.

If your server settings are correct but you are still experiencing the error, try connecting to a different SMTP server. Sometimes, the server you are currently using may not support SMTP authentication.

Contact your server provider to confirm if SMTP authentication is allowed and if there are any specific configurations needed from your end.

Another possible cause of the error is improper configuration of your SMTP client.

Ensure that your app or script is set up to use the proper authentication method, such as STARTTLS or SSL/TLS. Check the documentation or support resources for your client for guidance on configuring the authentication settings correctly.

In summary, when troubleshooting the SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server error, it’s important to verify your server settings, try connecting to a different SMTP server, and ensure proper configuration of your SMTP client.

By following these steps and ensuring the correct authentication method is used, you can overcome this error and successfully authenticate your SMTP connections.

Common Troubleshooting Steps for SMTP Auth Error
Step 1: Verify server settings and credentials
Step 2: Try connecting to a different SMTP server
Step 3: Check SMTP client configuration
Step 4: Ensure proper authentication method is used

SMTP Auth Setup

To set up SMTP authentication, you need to provide the necessary authentication details, such as the server address, port number, username, and password.

This ensures that your email client can securely communicate with the server and authenticate your email sending. Follow the steps below to configure SMTP authentication:

Step 1: Obtain Server Settings

Contact your email provider or refer to their documentation to obtain the correct server address and port number for SMTP authentication. Make sure to use the server and port specified by your email provider to establish a secure connection.

Step 2: Configure Authentication Method

Next, ensure that your app or script is configured to use the proper authentication method. The most common authentication methods for SMTP are STARTTLS and SSL/TLS. Check the documentation of your email client or programming language to find instructions on how to enable and configure the authentication method.

Step 3: Enter Authentication Details

Once you have the server settings and authentication method configured, enter the authentication details in your email client or script.

This typically includes entering your username and password provided by your email provider. Double-check that the credentials are correct to ensure successful authentication.

By following these steps, you can set up SMTP authentication and ensure secure communication between your email client and the server.

Server SettingsAuthentication MethodAuthentication Details
Server address
Port number

SMTP Auth Extension Not Supported – Python Example

When using Python to send emails, you may encounter the “SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server” error. This error occurs when the server does not support SMTP authentication, preventing you from sending authenticated emails.

However, you can modify your code to handle this issue and enable SMTP authentication.

Here is an example code snippet that demonstrates how to modify your Python script:

import smtplib
from email.mime.text import MIMEText

# Define SMTP server and authentication details
smtp_server = ''
smtp_port = 587
smtp_username = 'your_username'
smtp_password = 'your_password'

# Create an email message
message = MIMEText('This is a test email')
message['Subject'] = 'Test Email'
message['From'] = ''
message['To'] = ''

# Establish a connection to the SMTP server
smtp_connection = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server, smtp_port)

# Log in to the SMTP server
smtp_connection.login(smtp_username, smtp_password)

# Send the email

# Close the SMTP connection

In this example, you need to provide the SMTP server address, port number, username, and password specific to your email provider.

By establishing a connection before logging in and sending the email, you can bypass the “SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server” error and successfully authenticate your emails.


When encountering the “SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server” error in Python, you can modify your code to enable SMTP authentication.

By providing the necessary server and authentication details, establishing a connection, and logging in before sending the email, you can successfully authenticate your emails and overcome this error. Remember to use the correct server address, port number, username, and password specific to your email provider.

SMTP Auth Error Check

When encountering the “SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server” error, it is important to conduct a thorough error check to identify and resolve any issues. Here are some troubleshooting steps you can take:

1. Verify SMTP Client Configurations

Double-check your SMTP client configurations to ensure that you have entered the correct server address, port number, username, and password.

Even a small typo can prevent SMTP authentication from working properly. Make sure all the credentials are accurate and match the settings provided by your email provider.

2. Confirm SMTP Authentication Support

Confirm that your email provider supports SMTP authentication. Some providers may have specific requirements or limitations when it comes to authentication methods. Review their documentation or reach out to their support team to ensure that you are using the appropriate authentication settings.

3. Check Server Functionality

Ensure that the server you are connecting to is functioning properly. The “SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server” error can also occur if the server itself is experiencing issues. Contact your email provider or server administrator to check if there are any known problems that could be causing this error.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you can perform a comprehensive error check and address any issues that may be causing the SMTP auth error. Remember to verify your configurations, confirm authentication support, and check server functionality to ensure a smooth email sending process.

Error Check StepsDescription
Verify SMTP Client ConfigurationsDouble-check server address, port number, username, and password for accuracy.
Confirm SMTP Authentication SupportEnsure that your email provider supports SMTP authentication and follow their specific requirements.
Check Server FunctionalityContact your email provider or server administrator to verify if the server is functioning properly.

Enable SMTP Authentication

To ensure the secure transmission of your emails, it is essential to enable SMTP authentication. This feature verifies your identity and prevents unauthorized access to your account. By enabling SMTP authentication, you can protect your emails and enhance the deliverability of your messages.

Enabling SMTP authentication is a straightforward process. Most email clients and apps provide a simple option to enable authentication in the account settings or preferences section. Once enabled, you will need to provide your email provider’s recommended authentication method, typically either STARTTLS or SSL/TLS.

By entering the correct credentials, including your username and password, you can authenticate your email sending and establish a trusted connection with your SMTP server. This authentication process ensures that only authorized users can send emails on your behalf, protecting your account and maintaining the integrity of your communication.

Benefits of SMTP Authentication

Enabling SMTP authentication offers several key benefits. Firstly, it helps ensure the successful delivery of your emails by verifying your identity to the SMTP server. This reduces the risk of your messages being flagged as spam or rejected by recipient servers.

Secondly, SMTP authentication provides an additional layer of security for your email account. By requiring authentication, unauthorized users are prevented from accessing your account and sending emails on your behalf. This protects your personal and sensitive information from being compromised.

Lastly, enabling SMTP authentication helps build trust with both your email provider and the recipients of your messages. By following best practices for email authentication, such as enabling SPF, DKIM, and DMARC, you can demonstrate to email providers that your messages are legitimate and trustworthy. This can improve your email deliverability and help ensure that your messages reach the intended recipients.

Benefits of SMTP Authentication
1. Enhances email deliverabilitySMTP authentication verifies your identity, reducing the risk of your emails being flagged as spam.
2. Improves account securityBy requiring authentication, only authorized users can send emails from your account.
3. Builds trust with email providers and recipientsDemonstrate that your emails are legitimate and trustworthy, improving deliverability.

Troubleshooting SMTP Auth Extension Not Supported

If you are facing the “SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server” error and have exhausted basic troubleshooting steps, there are a few additional approaches you can try to resolve the issue. These methods can help you address the underlying cause and enable SMTP authentication for successful email sending.

1. Contact Your Email Provider or Server Administrator

If you have verified that your SMTP client configurations are correct, but you are still encountering the error, it may be worthwhile to reach out to your email provider or server administrator for assistance. They can provide insights into any restrictions or limitations on SMTP authentication on their server and guide you towards a suitable solution.

2. Use a Different Email Client or App

In some cases, the issue may be specific to the email client or app you are using. Certain servers may have compatibility issues or restrictions with certain clients. To troubleshoot, try using a different email client or app to send your emails. This can help identify whether the problem lies with the client or app you were initially using.

By experimenting with different clients or apps, you can determine if the “SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server” error persists across different platforms or if it is specific to a particular configuration.

3. Explore Alternative Authentication Methods

If SMTP authentication continues to pose challenges, consider exploring alternative authentication methods. Some servers may support different authentication mechanisms, such as OAuth or token-based authentication. Research and experiment with these alternative methods to see if they can successfully bypass the “SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server” error.

Keep in mind that implementing alternative authentication methods may require additional setup and configuration, both on the server and the client side. Consult your email provider’s documentation and resources to ensure compatibility and proper implementation.

Common Methods to Troubleshoot SMTP Auth Extension Not Supported ErrorRecommended Approach
Contact your email provider or server administratorIf basic troubleshooting steps have failed
Use a different email client or appTo identify client-specific issues
Explore alternative authentication methodsIf SMTP auth continues to pose challenges

SMTP Auth Port Configuration

Configuring the correct port for SMTP authentication is crucial to ensure a successful email sending process. By using the appropriate port, you can establish a secure connection between your client and the server, allowing for the authentication process to take place smoothly.

In most cases, the recommended port for SMTP authentication is 587. This port is commonly used for STARTTLS encryption and authentication. However, it is important to note that some servers may require a different port for SMTP authentication. To determine the correct port number for your email provider, refer to their documentation or contact their support team for assistance.

SMTP PortDescription
587Commonly used for STARTTLS encryption and authentication.
465Typically used for SMTP over SSL/TLS encryption and authentication.
25The default port for SMTP, but may not support authentication.
2525Alternative port for SMTP, often used as a backup or for non-standard configurations.

When configuring your SMTP client or app, ensure that you specify the correct port number for SMTP authentication. This will enable your client to communicate with the server using the appropriate encryption and authentication protocols, ensuring the security and successful delivery of your emails.

SMTP Auth with SSL/TLS

SMTP authentication with SSL/TLS is a secure method of communication between the client and server. By enabling SSL/TLS, you can ensure that your email transmissions are encrypted and protected from unauthorized access.

To configure SMTP authentication with SSL/TLS, you will need to update your SMTP client settings. Make sure to use the appropriate port number specified by your email provider for SSL/TLS encryption. Additionally, enable the SSL/TLS option in your client to establish a secure connection.

This added layer of security helps safeguard your sensitive information, such as login credentials and email content, during the email sending process. It is especially crucial when transmitting confidential or sensitive data, ensuring that it remains private and cannot be intercepted or tampered with by malicious parties.

Benefits of SMTP Auth with SSL/TLSConsiderations
  • Enhanced security for email communications
  • Protection of login credentials and sensitive data
  • Prevention of unauthorized access to email content
  • Ensure the SMTP server supports SSL/TLS
  • Verify the correct port number for SSL/TLS
  • Update your SMTP client settings accordingly

SMTP authentication with SSL/TLS provides an additional layer of security to protect your email communications. By encrypting your transmissions, you can ensure that your sensitive data remains confidential and inaccessible to unauthorized individuals.

By enabling SMTP authentication with SSL/TLS, you can have peace of mind knowing that your email communication is secure and your information is protected. Make sure to follow the recommended configuration steps and consult your email provider’s documentation for specific instructions on enabling SSL/TLS encryption.

Is SMTP Authentication Necessary to Resolve SMTP Errors?

SMTP authentication error solution is crucial to resolve SMTP errors. Without proper authentication, email servers may reject outgoing emails, leading to delivery failures. By implementing SMTP authentication, users can ensure secure and reliable email delivery, reducing the likelihood of encountering SMTP errors.

Troubleshooting SMTP Auth Not Working

If you are experiencing issues with SMTP authentication not functioning properly, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve the problem. Follow these troubleshooting tips:

  1. Double-check your credentials: Ensure that you have entered the correct username and password for your SMTP account. Even a small typo can prevent authentication from working properly.
  2. Verify server settings: Make sure you have the correct server address and port number specified. Consult your email provider’s documentation or support resources for the accurate information.
  3. Confirm SMTP authentication support: Check that your email provider supports SMTP authentication. Some providers may have specific requirements or limitations, so it’s important to verify compatibility.
  4. Review app or script configuration: Ensure that your email sending app or script is correctly configured to use the appropriate authentication method and settings. Incorrect configuration can cause authentication to fail.

If you have followed these troubleshooting steps and continue to experience issues with SMTP auth not working, consider reaching out to your email provider’s support team for further assistance. They can provide specific guidance and help you troubleshoot any server-side issues that may be causing the problem.

ProblemPossible Solution
Incorrect credentialsDouble-check and re-enter the correct username and password
Invalid server settingsVerify the server address and port number provided by your email provider
Unsupported authenticationConfirm that your email provider supports SMTP authentication
Incorrect app or script configurationReview the settings in your email sending app or script and make sure they align with the authentication requirements

By following these troubleshooting steps and ensuring the correct configuration of your SMTP authentication settings, you should be able to resolve any issues related to SMTP auth not working and successfully send emails using authentication.


In conclusion, resolving the “SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server” error requires attention to your server settings and proper configuration of your SMTP client. By ensuring that you have entered the correct credentials, server address, port number, and authentication method, you can successfully enable SMTP authentication and send emails without encountering this error.

Remember to double-check your SMTP client configurations and verify that your email provider supports SMTP authentication. If you continue to experience issues, consider trying a different email client or contacting your email provider for assistance. Additionally, make sure to use the appropriate port for SMTP authentication and consider using SSL/TLS encryption for added security.

By following these steps, you can overcome the “SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server” error and enjoy the benefits of sending authenticated emails securely and reliably.


What does the “SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server” error mean?

This error occurs when the server does not support SMTP authentication.

How can I resolve the “SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server” error?

To resolve this issue, you need to establish a connection before logging in and sending the email.

What troubleshooting steps can I follow when encountering the “SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server” error?

First, make sure to check that you have the correct server settings and credentials. Additionally, try connecting to a different SMTP server or contacting your server provider for assistance. Enabling the proper authentication settings and configuring your SMTP client correctly can also help resolve this issue.

How do I set up SMTP authentication?

To set up SMTP authentication, you need to provide the necessary authentication details, such as the server address, port number, username, and password. Make sure to use the correct server and port specified by your email provider. Additionally, ensure that your app or script is configured to use the proper authentication method, such as STARTTLS or SSL/TLS.

What should I do if I am still experiencing the “SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server” error?

Double-check your SMTP client configurations. Ensure that you have correctly specified the server address, port number, username, and password. Verify that the email provider supports SMTP authentication and that the server you are connecting to is functioning properly. Consider using a different email client or contacting your email provider or server administrator for further assistance.

Which port should I use for SMTP authentication?

Typically, port 587 is used for STARTTLS encryption and authentication. However, some servers may require a different port, so consult your email provider’s documentation or support resources for the specific port number to use.

How can I enable SMTP authentication?

To enable SMTP authentication, ensure that the email client or app you are using has the option to enable authentication. This can usually be found in the account settings or preferences section. Once enabled, enter the correct credentials provided by your email provider, including the username and password, to authenticate your email sending.

What should I do if SMTP authentication is not working?

Double-check that you have entered the correct credentials and server settings. Verify that your email provider supports SMTP authentication and that your account has the necessary permissions. Additionally, ensure that your app or script is properly configured to use the correct authentication method and settings.

How can I troubleshoot the “SMTP AUTH extension not supported by server” error?

If you continue to encounter the error, consider using a different email client or app to send your emails. Some servers may have limitations or restrictions on SMTP authentication, so switching to a different client or app may resolve the issue. Additionally, contact your email provider or server administrator for further assistance.

Can I use SSL/TLS for SMTP authentication?

Yes, using SSL/TLS is a more secure method of communication between the client and server. To use SSL/TLS, update your SMTP client settings to use the appropriate port and enable SSL/TLS encryption. Consult your email provider’s documentation for the specific configuration details.