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LinkedIn InMail Vs Email: Evaluating Professional Communication

Preeti K
11 Mins Read

In the realm of professional networking and outreach, LinkedIn InMail and Email are two popular tools. Both have distinct advantages and disadvantages, making it important to weigh the pros and cons when deciding which method to use for professional communication. In this article, we will explore the strengths and weaknesses of LinkedIn InMail and Email and provide valuable insights and tips to help you make an informed choice.

Key Takeaways:

  • LinkedIn InMail and Email are both valuable tools for professional communication.
  • LinkedIn InMail allows for personalized messages based on recipient’s LinkedIn profile, while Email offers more versatility in customization.
  • LinkedIn InMail messages have higher deliverability rates, but not all LinkedIn users regularly check their InMail.
  • LinkedIn InMail often boasts higher response rates, especially for warm leads, while Email response rates can vary widely.
  • LinkedIn InMail requires a subscription or purchase of InMail credits, while Email is typically free.


In the realm of professional networking and business development, two prominent tools for communication stand out: LinkedIn InMail and Email. Both platforms offer distinct advantages and disadvantages, making it crucial to carefully consider which method best suits your professional communication needs. In this section, we will explore the purposes and key differences between LinkedIn InMail and Email, providing valuable insights to help you make an informed decision.

LinkedIn InMail: Connecting Professionals

LinkedIn InMail is a premium messaging service within the LinkedIn platform, designed specifically for professional networking and business development. It offers a direct channel for reaching out to fellow professionals, potential clients, or industry leaders. With LinkedIn InMail, individuals can connect and engage with like-minded professionals in a more formal and business-oriented setting.

Email: Versatile Communication Tool

Email, on the other hand, is a versatile electronic communication tool used for both personal and professional purposes. It allows users to send messages, documents, and files to individuals or groups of recipients. Email is commonly used across industries and serves as a primary form of communication in many businesses.

Cold Email vs LinkedIn InMail

When it comes to professional communication and outreach, the choice between Cold Email and LinkedIn InMail depends on the nature of your engagement. Cold Email is typically used for reaching out to individuals or organizations with whom you have no prior connection. It is a method of cold outreach, where you are initiating contact with potential leads or prospects. On the other hand, LinkedIn InMail can also be used for cold outreach, but it is more effective for connecting with professionals within your industry or network, making it a great tool for warm leads.

LinkedIn InMail allows you to leverage the power of the LinkedIn platform and its professional network. You can tailor your messages based on the recipient’s LinkedIn profile, mentioning mutual connections, shared interests, or recent achievements to establish a more personal connection. This personalization can help you stand out and increase the chances of getting a positive response.

Cold Email, on the other hand, provides more versatility and flexibility in terms of customization. You can personalize your emails by using the recipient’s name, referencing their company or recent news, and crafting a compelling message that resonates with their needs or interests. While it may not have the same level of professional networking capabilities as LinkedIn InMail, Cold Email can be a powerful tool for reaching a wider audience and initiating conversations with potential clients or partners.

CriteriaCold EmailLinkedIn InMail
Target AudienceWide range, including new leads and prospectsProfessionals within your industry or network
PersonalizationCustomize based on recipient’s name, company, and interestsCustomize based on recipient’s LinkedIn profile
NetworkingLimited networking abilitiesBuilt-in professional networking platform
ReachWider audience, but less targetedTargeted outreach within professional network

Quote: When deciding between Cold Email and LinkedIn InMail, consider whether you are engaging in cold outreach or targeting warm leads. LinkedIn InMail is a powerful tool for connecting with professionals in your industry, while Cold Email allows you to reach a wider audience and customize your messages to resonate with individual recipients.

In summary, both Cold Email and LinkedIn InMail have their strengths and weaknesses. Cold Email is ideal for reaching a wider audience and customizing your messages based on individual needs, while LinkedIn InMail is effective for targeted outreach within your professional network. The choice between the two ultimately depends on your goals, audience, and resources. A strategic approach that combines both methods can yield the best results in your professional communication and outreach efforts.

Personalization and Customization

Personalization plays a crucial role in successful outreach. With LinkedIn InMail, you can tailor your message based on the recipient’s LinkedIn profile, mentioning mutual connections, shared interests, or recent achievements to establish a more personal connection. Email can be personalized by using the recipient’s name, referencing their company or recent news, and crafting a compelling message that resonates with their needs or interests.

When it comes to personalization, LinkedIn InMail has an edge over email. By leveraging the information available on LinkedIn profiles, you can create highly targeted and relevant messages. This level of customization demonstrates your genuine interest in connecting and sets you apart from generic email communications. However, it’s important to note that email can also be personalized effectively if you take the time to research and understand your recipients.

“Personalization is key to building meaningful connections. By showing that you have taken the time to understand the recipient’s background and interests, you increase the chances of receiving a positive response. Whether you choose LinkedIn InMail or Email, make sure to personalize your messages to make a lasting impression.”

Benefits of Personalization:

  • Establishes a personal connection
  • Demonstrates genuine interest
  • Increases response rates

Remember, personalization is not a one-size-fits-all approach. It requires careful crafting of each message based on the individual recipient. Whether you choose LinkedIn InMail or Email, prioritize personalization to increase your chances of success in professional communication.

Deliverability and Open Rates

When it comes to professional communication, deliverability and open rates play a crucial role in the success of your outreach efforts. LinkedIn InMail and Email both have their strengths and weaknesses in this aspect.

Email Deliverability and Open Rates

Email deliverability can be affected by various factors such as spam filters, sender reputation, and the quality of your email list. While email allows for greater control in terms of design and content, it’s important to craft compelling subject lines and avoid spam trigger words to increase the chances of your message reaching the recipient’s inbox. Open rates can vary widely depending on the effectiveness of your subject line, the relevance of your content, and the recipient’s level of interest.

LinkedIn InMail Deliverability and Open Rates

LinkedIn InMail messages are less likely to end up in spam folders since they come from a trusted platform. This increases the chances of your message being delivered to the intended recipient. However, it’s important to note that not all LinkedIn users regularly check their InMail messages. Therefore, even though the deliverability may be higher, the open rates for LinkedIn InMail can be lower compared to email.

EmailLinkedIn InMail
DeliverabilityDependent on spam filters and sender reputation.More likely to reach the recipient’s inbox.
Open RatesVaries based on subject line and recipient’s interest.Dependent on the recipient checking their InMail.

“The deliverability and open rates of LinkedIn InMail are higher since it comes from a trusted platform, but it’s important to remember that not all LinkedIn users actively check their InMail messages.”

Ultimately, the choice between LinkedIn InMail and Email depends on your target audience, their communication preferences, and your specific goals. It’s important to analyze your target audience’s behavior, track open rates, and adjust your outreach strategy accordingly. By understanding the strengths and limitations of both methods, you can optimize your professional communication for better deliverability and engagement.

Response Rates

One of the key factors to consider when choosing between LinkedIn InMail and Email outreach is the response rates. Response rates play a crucial role in determining the effectiveness of your outreach efforts and the engagement level of your target audience. LinkedIn InMail often boasts higher response rates compared to cold emails due to its professional nature and the trust associated with the platform. However, it’s important to note that response rates in both LinkedIn InMail and Email can vary depending on various factors.

When using LinkedIn InMail, the response rates are generally higher because professionals view LinkedIn as a trusted platform for professional networking and communication. Individuals are more likely to respond to messages that come from LinkedIn, especially if the content is relevant to their professional interests. However, it’s essential to craft personalized and compelling messages that resonate with your audience to maximize the response rates.

Email outreach, on the other hand, may have lower response rates for cold outreach campaigns. However, by following best practices for email personalization, including addressing the recipient by name, tailoring the content to their specific needs or interests, and ensuring the email stands out in their crowded inbox, you can increase the chances of receiving positive responses. Utilizing A/B testing and analyzing the data can help identify the most effective strategies for improving response rates.

LinkedIn InMailEmail
Response RatesOften higher due to the professional nature and trust associated with LinkedInVary depending on personalization, subject line, and sender reputation
Best PracticesPersonalize messages based on recipient’s LinkedIn profileAddress recipients by name, tailor content, and stand out in their inbox
Strategies for ImprovementCraft compelling and relevant messages to resonate with the audienceA/B testing, analyzing data, and refining email personalization techniques

Cost Considerations

When considering professional communication options, cost is an important factor to weigh, particularly for individuals or small businesses with limited budgets. Both LinkedIn InMail and Email come with their own cost considerations, which should be taken into account before making a decision.

LinkedIn InMail is a premium feature available within the LinkedIn platform. It often requires a subscription or the purchase of InMail credits to send messages to individuals outside your network. While this can be a valuable investment for targeted outreach to professionals within your industry, it may not be the most cost-effective solution for large-scale campaigns.

Email, on the other hand, is generally free to use for personal and professional purposes. However, for larger outreach campaigns, there might be costs associated with email marketing platforms or tools. These costs can vary depending on the features and capabilities offered, making it essential to research and choose a solution that aligns with your budget and requirements.

LinkedIn InMailEmail
CostPremium featureFree (with potential costs for email marketing platforms)
ScalabilityLimited by InMail creditsHighly scalable with automation tools
TargetingEffective for professionals within your industry or networkWider reach with potential for more generic messaging
PersonalizationOpportunity to tailor messages based on LinkedIn profilesCan be personalized based on recipient’s name, company, etc.

Ultimately, the cost considerations for LinkedIn InMail and Email depend on the scope and objectives of your outreach efforts. It’s important to evaluate your budget, desired scalability, target audience, and personalization needs to make an informed decision. A hybrid approach that combines the strengths of both LinkedIn InMail and Email may also be a viable option for maximizing the effectiveness of your professional communication strategy.

Building Relationships: LinkedIn InMail vs Email

In the realm of professional communication, building strong and meaningful relationships is a crucial goal. When it comes to choosing between LinkedIn InMail and Email, both platforms offer unique advantages and considerations. Let’s explore how each method contributes to building lasting connections.

The Power of LinkedIn InMail

LinkedIn InMail is designed specifically for professional networking, making it an excellent tool for building relationships within your industry. With InMail, you can easily connect with professionals, mention shared connections, and establish common ground based on their LinkedIn profiles. This personalization creates a sense of familiarity and helps to foster a genuine connection. Additionally, LinkedIn provides a platform for ongoing engagement, allowing you to remain connected with your contacts and nurture these relationships over time.

The Versatility of Email Outreach

Email also plays a vital role in building relationships, offering a more versatile approach to communication. With email, you have the freedom to craft personalized messages, reference previous conversations, and follow up on shared interests. Email allows for more detailed and long-form communication, giving you the opportunity to convey your thoughts and objectives in a more comprehensive manner. While it may require more effort to transition from initial contact to a meaningful connection, email provides the flexibility and space to build rapport and establish trust.

Ultimately, the choice between LinkedIn InMail and Email depends on your specific goals and preferences. If you prioritize networking within your industry and ongoing engagement, LinkedIn InMail can be a powerful tool. On the other hand, if you value versatility and the ability to customize your messages, email outreach may be more suitable.

By leveraging the strengths of both LinkedIn InMail and Email, you can create a comprehensive outreach strategy that maximizes your chances of building strong and lasting relationships. Remember to personalize your messages, maintain regular communication, and approach each interaction with the genuine desire to connect and add value to your professional network.

Automation and Scaling

Automation is a crucial factor to consider when comparing LinkedIn InMail and Email for professional communication. While both methods have their strengths and weaknesses, the ability to automate outreach efforts can significantly impact scalability and efficiency.

When it comes to automation, Email takes the lead, offering a wide range of tools and platforms that allow for scheduled emails, drip campaigns, and tracking engagement. These features enable you to reach a larger audience and maintain consistent communication without requiring extensive manual effort. By leveraging automation, you can save time and resources while effectively scaling your outreach campaigns.

On the other hand, LinkedIn InMail falls short in terms of automation options. The platform imposes messaging restrictions and does not provide the same level of automation capabilities as email marketing platforms. This limitation can be a drawback for individuals or businesses looking to streamline their outreach efforts or engage in large-scale outreach campaigns.

Legal and Compliance

When it comes to professional communication, adhering to legal and compliance standards is of utmost importance. Both LinkedIn InMail and Email have their own set of regulations and guidelines that need to be followed to ensure a smooth and lawful outreach campaign.

LinkedIn InMail Compliance

LinkedIn has its own terms of service and messaging guidelines that users must adhere to when using InMail. It is essential to familiarize yourself with these rules to avoid any potential violations. Some key points to keep in mind include:

  • Avoiding spam-like behavior by sending relevant and personalized messages.
  • Respecting recipients’ privacy and not sharing their information without consent.
  • Not using InMail for any illegal, fraudulent, or unethical activities.

Email Compliance

When it comes to using Email for outreach, there are legal regulations in place, such as the CAN-SPAM Act. Compliance with these regulations is crucial to avoid potential legal issues and maintain a positive professional reputation. Some important guidelines to follow include:

  • Ensuring accurate header information, including the “From” and “Reply-To” fields.
  • Providing a clear and concise subject line that reflects the content of the email.
  • Including a valid physical address in the email.
  • Offering recipients the option to unsubscribe from future emails.

By staying compliant with legal and regulatory requirements, you can protect your reputation, avoid penalties, and maintain trust with your recipients. It is essential to regularly review and update your outreach strategy to align with evolving legal standards.


After evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of LinkedIn InMail and Email for professional outreach, it becomes clear that there is no definitive answer to which method is superior. The choice ultimately depends on your specific goals, target audience, and available resources.

To maximize the effectiveness of your outreach strategy, there are a few key considerations. First, it is essential to know your audience well and tailor your messages accordingly. Personalization is key in making meaningful connections.

Testing and analyzing the results of your outreach efforts can also provide valuable insights. By tracking open and response rates, you can refine your approach and improve your outreach over time.

Lastly, it may be worth considering a hybrid approach that combines the strengths of both LinkedIn InMail and Email. Leveraging the professional networking power of LinkedIn while also harnessing the automation and scalability of email marketing platforms can provide a well-rounded outreach strategy.

Is Using LinkedIn InMail More Effective for Professional Communication Than Email?

When looking to optimize your LinkedIn profile, using InMail can be more effective for professional communication than email. InMail allows direct messaging to any LinkedIn user, making it easier to reach out to potential connections and business partners. It can also help your messages stand out in a crowded inbox.


Is LinkedIn InMail only for professional networking and business development?

Yes, LinkedIn InMail is a premium messaging service within the LinkedIn platform designed specifically for professional networking and business development purposes.

Can I use Email for personal and professional purposes?

Yes, Email is a versatile electronic communication tool that can be used for both personal and professional purposes.

Which method is more effective for cold outreach, LinkedIn InMail or Email?

Both LinkedIn InMail and Email can be used for cold outreach, but LinkedIn InMail is typically more effective for connecting with professionals within your industry or network.

How can I personalize my messages using LinkedIn InMail?

With LinkedIn InMail, you can tailor your message based on the recipient’s LinkedIn profile, mentioning mutual connections, shared interests, or recent achievements to establish a more personal connection.

How can I personalize my emails?

Emails can be personalized by using the recipient’s name, referencing their company or recent news, and crafting a compelling message that resonates with their needs or interests.

Which method has a higher chance of ending up in spam folders, LinkedIn InMail or Email?

LinkedIn InMail messages are less likely to end up in spam folders since they come from a trusted platform. However, the chances of an email ending up in a spam folder can vary depending on the subject line and sender reputation.

Which method generally has higher response rates?

LinkedIn InMail often boasts higher response rates than cold emails because it is seen as a more professional platform. However, response rates may vary depending on your messaging approach and the quality of your connections.

Is LinkedIn InMail a free service?

LinkedIn InMail is a premium feature that often requires a subscription or the purchase of InMail credits.

Are cold emails free to send?

Cold emails are typically free to send, aside from the costs associated with email marketing platforms or tools for larger outreach campaigns.

Which method is better for building lasting relationships?

LinkedIn InMail is built for professional networking, making it easier to maintain and nurture connections over time. Email can also support relationship-building, but it often requires more effort to transition from initial contact to a meaningful connection.

Can I automate outreach efforts using LinkedIn InMail?

LinkedIn InMail does not provide the same level of automation options as email marketing platforms. Automation and scaling are more easily achievable with email outreach using various tools and platforms.

What legal regulations should I consider for outreach campaigns?

While LinkedIn InMail is subject to LinkedIn’s terms of service and messaging guidelines, email outreach must comply with strict regulations such as the CAN-SPAM Act to avoid penalties and damage to your professional reputation.