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How to Setup hMailServer as SMTP Relay: Fastest Method

Preeti K
9 Mins Read

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on configuring hMailServer as an SMTP relay. If you’re looking to optimize your email delivery and streamline the process of sending emails from Collect! to your email provider, this guide will provide you with the fastest and most efficient method.

Setting up hMailServer as an SMTP relay can greatly enhance the reliability and performance of your email delivery. Whether you’re a small business, a collector agency, or an individual user, this guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of configuring hMailServer for seamless email relay.

Key Takeaways:

  • Optimize your email delivery by setting up hMailServer as an SMTP relay.
  • Follow the step-by-step guide for configuring hMailServer and integrating it with Collect!.
  • Learn how to set up email reply addresses and configure SPF records for improved email delivery.
  • Troubleshoot any issues you may encounter with sending emails in hMailServer.
  • Implement additional tips and best practices to optimize your hMailServer setup.

Configuring Routes for Email Relay

In order to set up hMailServer as an SMTP relay, it is important to configure routes for email relay. By defining specific routes, you can ensure that emails are properly relayed to their intended recipients. Follow the steps below to configure email relay routes in hMailServer:

Step 1: Access the Route tab

Open the hMailServer Administrator and navigate to the “Settings” menu. Click on “Protocols” and select “SMTP.” From the left-hand panel, click on the “Routes” tab.

Step 2: Add a new route

Click on the “Add Route” button to create a new email relay route. A form will appear where you can configure the route settings.

Step 3: Configure route settings

In the route settings form, enter the following information:

  • Domain: Enter the domain name for which the route should be applied.
  • Server: Specify the IP address or hostname of the server that will receive the relayed emails.
  • SMTP Port: Enter the SMTP port number for the server.
  • Use SSL: If the server requires SSL/TLS encryption for relayed emails, check this option.
  • Username: If authentication is required, enter the username for the relay server.
  • Password: Enter the password for the relay server’s username.

Once you have entered the necessary information, click “Save” to add the route. Repeat these steps to configure additional routes if needed.

By properly configuring routes for email relay in hMailServer, you can ensure that your emails are efficiently and reliably delivered to their intended recipients.

Table: Email Relay Route Configuration

Domain Server SMTP Port Use SSL Username Password 25 No ******** 587 Yes ********

Connecting Collect! to hMailServer

To integrate Collect! with hMailServer, follow the steps below:

  1. Ensure that hMailServer is installed and configured properly on your server. Refer to the hMailServer documentation for detailed instructions.
  2. In the Collect! application, navigate to the “Email” section in the settings menu.
  3. Click on “SMTP Server” and enter the address of your hMailServer in the provided field. This will allow Collect! to send emails through hMailServer.
  4. Next, configure the authentication settings. Enter the username and password for the hMailServer account that will be used to send emails from Collect!.
  5. Save the settings and test the connection by sending a test email from Collect! If the email is successfully delivered, you have successfully connected Collect! to hMailServer.

By integrating Collect! with hMailServer, you can take advantage of hMailServer’s robust features and reliable email delivery system to ensure that your emails are sent smoothly and efficiently.

If you encounter any issues during the integration process, refer to the hMailServer documentation or contact the Collect! support team for assistance.

Benefits of Connecting Collect! to hMailServer Challenges
– Utilize hMailServer’s advanced features for enhanced email delivery. – Initial setup and configuration may require technical expertise.
– Improved email deliverability and reduced chances of emails being marked as spam. – Compatibility issues between Collect! and specific hMailServer versions.
– Centralized management of email communication within Collect! for easier tracking and monitoring. – Troubleshooting potential issues with the integration process.
– Enhanced security measures for outgoing emails. – Maintaining regular updates and maintenance of hMailServer.

Configuring Email Reply Addresses

When setting up your email reply addresses in Collect!, there are a few steps you need to follow to ensure smooth communication with your clients. Additionally, configuring the reply email addresses in hMailServer is crucial for proper email delivery. In this section, we will guide you through the process.

To begin, open Collect! and navigate to the Email Setup screen. Here, you can add or edit your reply email addresses. Make sure to enter the correct email address and display name for each reply address you wish to configure. Remember, a properly configured reply email address helps establish trust and professionalism with your clients.

Next, you need to configure the same reply email addresses in hMailServer. Access the hMailServer administration interface and go to the Domains tab. Here, you can add each reply email address as a routed domain. Assign the appropriate user account or group to handle these reply emails. This ensures that all replies sent to these addresses are correctly processed and delivered.

By setting up the reply email addresses in both Collect! and hMailServer, you establish a seamless communication flow between your clients and your organization. This ensures that all replies are received and processed without any disruptions.


  • Open Collect! and navigate to the Email Setup screen.
  • Add or edit your reply email addresses, ensuring the correct email address and display name are entered.
  • Configure the same reply email addresses in hMailServer under the Domains tab.
  • Assign the appropriate user account or group to handle these reply emails.
  • By setting up the reply email addresses in both Collect! and hMailServer, you establish a seamless communication flow between your clients and your organization.

Table: Email Reply Address Configuration

Step Actions
1 Open Collect! and navigate to the Email Setup screen.
2 Add or edit your reply email addresses, ensuring the correct email address and display name are entered.
3 Configure the same reply email addresses in hMailServer under the Domains tab.
4 Assign the appropriate user account or group to handle these reply emails.

Setting Up SPF Records for Email Delivery

Configuring SPF (Sender Policy Framework) records is essential for ensuring the deliverability of your emails when using hMailServer as an SMTP relay. SPF records specify which servers are authorized to send emails on behalf of your domain, helping to prevent email spoofing and improve email deliverability rates.

To add SPF records for hMailServer relay, follow these steps:

  1. Access your domain’s DNS management settings.
  2. Create a new TXT record for your domain.
  3. Set the TXT record value to the SPF record syntax, which typically begins with “v=spf1”.
  4. Include the IP address or domain of your hMailServer relay in the SPF record. Example: “v=spf1 ip4:123.456.789.0 ~all” or “v=spf1 ~all”.
  5. Consider adding additional authorized senders to the SPF record, such as your email provider’s servers.
  6. Save the changes to your DNS settings and allow some time for the changes to propagate.

Once you have set up SPF records for hMailServer relay, your emails are more likely to pass SPF checks performed by receiving email servers. This can improve the chances of your emails being delivered successfully to the recipient’s inbox, minimizing the risk of being marked as spam or rejected outright.

Please note: SPF records are just one aspect of email deliverability. It’s also important to configure other DNS records correctly, such as DKIM and DMARC, and follow best practices for email authentication and security.

By properly configuring SPF records for email delivery, you can enhance the reputation and trustworthiness of your email server, increasing the likelihood of successful email delivery to your recipients.

Record Type Description
A Specifies the IPv4 address mapping for a domain or subdomain.
MX Specifies the mail exchanger responsible for accepting email messages for a domain.
TXT Allows the domain owner to insert arbitrary text into a DNS record, commonly used for SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records.
CNAME Creates an alias for one domain name to another.
SRV Defines the location of services or servers in the domain.

Troubleshooting Email Sending Issues

If you are experiencing problems with sending emails in hMailServer, here are some troubleshooting steps you can take to resolve the issues:

1. Check SMTP Settings

Ensure that the SMTP settings in hMailServer are correct. Double-check the server address, port number, and authentication credentials to make sure they are accurate. Incorrect settings can prevent emails from being sent successfully.

2. Verify DNS Configuration

Check your DNS configuration to ensure that it is properly set up. DNS plays a crucial role in email delivery, and any issues with the configuration can result in sending problems. Make sure that the MX records and A records for your domain are correctly configured.

3. Review Firewall and Antivirus Settings

Firewalls and antivirus software can sometimes block outgoing SMTP traffic, causing email sending problems. Check your firewall and antivirus settings to ensure that they are not interfering with hMailServer’s outbound email traffic. Consider temporarily disabling them for testing purposes.

If you have followed these troubleshooting steps and are still experiencing difficulties with sending emails in hMailServer, it may be helpful to consult the hMailServer documentation or seek assistance from hMailServer support.

Issue Possible Solution
Emails not being delivered Check the server logs for any error messages and investigate potential causes such as incorrect routing configuration or blacklisting.
Emails marked as spam Review your SPF records and configure DKIM and DMARC to improve email deliverability and reduce the chances of being marked as spam.
Slow email delivery Optimize your server’s performance by adjusting timeouts, reviewing network latency, and ensuring sufficient resources are allocated to hMailServer.

Additional Tips for hMailServer Setup

When configuring hMailServer as an SMTP relay, there are some additional tips and best practices to keep in mind to optimize your setup:

1. Secure Your Server

It is crucial to ensure that your hMailServer installation is secure to protect your email infrastructure from potential threats. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Regularly update hMailServer to the latest version to benefit from security patches and bug fixes.
  • Implement strong passwords for all user accounts and regularly change them.
  • Enable SSL/TLS encryption for secure email transmission.
  • Restrict access to your hMailServer administration console by allowing only trusted IP addresses.

2. Monitor Email Delivery

Effective monitoring of email delivery can help you identify and resolve any issues promptly. Consider implementing the following:

  • Enable logging in hMailServer to keep track of email sending and receiving activities.
  • Regularly review log files to identify any delivery failures or unusual activities.
  • Set up email alerts or notifications for critical events such as delivery failures or server downtime.
  • Monitor the health of your server’s hardware and network infrastructure to ensure smooth email delivery.

3. Optimize SMTP Relay Performance

To ensure optimal performance of your hMailServer SMTP relay, consider the following tips:

  • Configure hMailServer to use the most efficient DNS servers for resolving domain names.
  • Enable SMTP compression to reduce the size of email messages during transmission.
  • Regularly review and optimize hMailServer’s SMTP relay settings based on your specific email traffic and requirements.
  • Implement email throttling or rate limiting if you experience issues with excessive email sending.

By following these additional tips and best practices, you can enhance the security, reliability, and performance of your hMailServer setup as an SMTP relay.


Configuring hMailServer as an SMTP relay can provide a reliable and efficient way to deliver emails from Collect! to your email provider. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your setup is optimized for email delivery and minimize any potential issues. Remember to regularly monitor and maintain your hMailServer configuration for optimal performance.

Overall, setting up hMailServer as an SMTP relay is a straightforward process that can be accomplished by following the detailed instructions provided in this article. By configuring routes for email relay, connecting Collect! to hMailServer, configuring email reply addresses, setting up SPF records, and troubleshooting any potential issues, you can create a seamless email delivery system.

Additionally, it is important to keep in mind some additional tips to optimize your hMailServer setup. Pay attention to setting up proper IP ranges, ensuring your DNS settings are accurate, and regularly updating hMailServer to the latest version to benefit from the latest features and security enhancements.

In conclusion, configuring hMailServer as an SMTP relay can greatly enhance your email delivery capabilities. By carefully following the steps provided in this article and implementing best practices, you can create a reliable and efficient system for delivering emails from Collect! to your email provider. Take advantage of the tips and resources provided to ensure your hMailServer setup is optimized for success.

Can I Use hMailServer on an EC2 Instance for SMTP Relay?

Yes, you can use hMailServer on an EC2 instance for SMTP relay. hMailServer is compatible with EC2 and can be utilized for your SMTP server setup EC2 needs. It offers a user-friendly interface and supports multiple domains, making it a reliable choice for your email relay requirements.


Here are some common terms used in this guide:

  1. SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, the standard protocol used for sending emails between servers.
  2. IP Ranges: A way to group a range of IP addresses to define access permissions and settings in hMailServer.
  3. Relay Server: A server that receives email messages from a sender and forwards them to the appropriate recipient’s server.
  4. DNS: Domain Name System, the system that translates domain names to IP addresses.

Detailed Definitions:

Term Definition
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, the standard protocol used for sending emails between servers.
IP Ranges A way to group a range of IP addresses to define access permissions and settings in hMailServer.
Relay Server A server that receives email messages from a sender and forwards them to the appropriate recipient’s server.
DNS Domain Name System, the system that translates domain names to IP addresses.
“SMTP, IP Ranges, Relay Server, and DNS are essential terms to understand when configuring hMailServer as an SMTP relay. Familiarizing yourself with these concepts will help you navigate the setup process with ease and efficiency.”

Having a clear understanding of these terms will facilitate your navigation through the setup process and enhance your ability to configure hMailServer as an SMTP relay effectively. By grasping the meanings of SMTP, IP Ranges, Relay Server, and DNS, you will be better equipped to optimize your email delivery and troubleshoot any issues that may arise. This glossary serves as a handy reference to ensure that you can confidently navigate the world of hMailServer and email server configuration.

References and Resources

If you need further assistance or more detailed information, we recommend checking out the following resources:

1. hMailServer Documentation

For official documentation on hMailServer, visit their website at Here, you will find comprehensive guides and tutorials to help you with your SMTP relay setup and configuration.

2. SMTP Relay Setup Guides

If you’re looking for additional guides and resources on SMTP relay setup, there are several online references available. These guides provide step-by-step instructions and best practices for setting up a reliable and efficient SMTP relay. A quick search should provide you with a variety of options to choose from.

By referring to these resources, you can access further information and support to enhance your understanding of hMailServer and its capabilities. Whether you need detailed documentation or specific setup guides, these resources will help you navigate the configuration process with ease.


How do I set up hMailServer as an SMTP relay?

To set up hMailServer as an SMTP relay, follow these steps:

How do I configure routes for email relay in hMailServer?

To configure routes for email relay in hMailServer:

How do I connect Collect! to hMailServer?

To connect Collect! to hMailServer:

How do I configure email reply addresses in Collect!?

To configure email reply addresses in Collect!:

How do I set up SPF records for email delivery with hMailServer?

To set up SPF records for email delivery with hMailServer:

What should I do if I encounter issues with sending emails in hMailServer?

If you encounter issues with sending emails in hMailServer, try these troubleshooting steps:

What are some additional tips to optimize my hMailServer setup?

Here are some additional tips to optimize your hMailServer setup:

What are some common terms used in this guide?

Here are some common terms used in this guide:

Where can I find further assistance or more detailed information?

If you need further assistance or more detailed information, refer to the following resources: