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How to Setup Gmail SMTP in WordPress Without Mistakes

Preeti K
14 Mins Read
Configuring SMTP in WordPress is essential to ensure reliable email delivery. By default, WordPress relies on PHP functions for email services, which can lead to delivery issues and increased spam. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) provides a more secure and dependable method for sending emails. In this section, we will explore two methods for setting up Gmail SMTP in WordPress: configuring SMTP without a plugin and configuring SMTP with a plugin.

Key Takeaways:

  • Configuring SMTP in WordPress is crucial for reliable email delivery.
  • SMTP offers a more secure and reliable way of sending emails compared to PHP functions.
  • There are two methods for setting up Gmail SMTP in WordPress: without a plugin and with a plugin.
  • Manually configuring SMTP involves editing the wp-config.php and functions.php files.
  • Using a plugin like Post SMTP Mailer with Email Log provides a user-friendly approach to configuring SMTP.

Why SMTP is Needed for WordPress Emails

WordPress relies on PHP mail functions to handle email services, but this can be problematic in certain hosting environments. Shared hosting providers often disable the PHP mail function to prevent spam and reduce server load. This can lead to issues with email delivery and reliability. SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) offers a more reliable and secure way of sending emails from your WordPress website. SMTP servers are specifically designed to handle large volumes of email traffic. They provide authentication and encryption, ensuring secure delivery of your emails. By using SMTP, you can also take advantage of additional features like email tracking and delivery status notifications. This can be especially useful if you rely on email communication for your business or website. One of the main advantages of using SMTP for WordPress emails is improved deliverability. SMTP servers have built-in mechanisms to ensure that your emails reach recipient inboxes. They are less likely to be flagged as spam compared to emails sent using the PHP mail function. This can help increase engagement and improve the overall effectiveness of your email communication.

Advantages of Using SMTP for WordPress:

  • Improved reliability and delivery rates
  • Enhanced email security through authentication and encryption
  • Additional features like email tracking and delivery status notifications
  • Higher chances of emails reaching recipient inboxes instead of being flagged as spam
By configuring SMTP for your WordPress emails, you can ensure that your email communication is more efficient, trustworthy, and secure.

Configuring SMTP on WordPress Without Using a Plugin

To manually configure SMTP on WordPress without a plugin, you can edit the wp-config.php  function.php files. The wp-config.php file is located in the root directory of your WordPress website, and you can edit it using a file manager, FTP server, or SSH terminal. The function.php file is located in your WordPress theme. In this section, we will provide step-by-step instructions for adding the necessary SMTP settings to these files.

Add SMTP Settings to wp-config.php

To add SMTP email settings to the wp-config.php file, you need to define several constants. These constants include the SMTP server address, username, password, port number, encryption method, and other options. By adding these settings to the wp-config.php file, you enhance the security of your SMTP configuration. Here is an example of how the code should look:
define( 'SMTP_HOST', '' );
define( 'SMTP_AUTH', true );
define( 'SMTP_USERNAME', '' );
define( 'SMTP_PASSWORD', 'your-password' );
define( 'SMTP_PORT', 587 );
define( 'SMTP_ENCRYPTION', 'tls' );

Add SMTP Settings to functions.php

In addition to adding SMTP settings to the wp-config.php file, you also need to make changes to the theme functions file (functions.php). This file is located in the theme of your WordPress website. By adding specific lines of code to the functions.php file, you can ensure that WordPress uses the configured SMTP settings for sending emails. Here is an example of how the code should look:
add_action( 'phpmailer_init', 'configure_smtp' );
function configure_smtp( $phpmailer ) {
    $phpmailer->Host       = '';
    $phpmailer->SMTPAuth   = true;
    $phpmailer->Username   = '';
    $phpmailer->Password   = 'your-password';
    $phpmailer->SMTPSecure = 'tls';
    $phpmailer->Port       = 587;
By following these steps and adding the necessary SMTP settings to the wp-config.php and functions.php files, you can configure SMTP on WordPress without using a plugin. This manual configuration allows you to have more control over your email delivery process and ensures a reliable and secure method for sending emails from your WordPress website.

SMTP Email Settings in wp-config.php

To configure SMTP email settings in the wp-config.php file, you need to define several constants. These constants include the SMTP server address, username, password, port number, encryption method, and other options. By adding these settings to the wp-config.php file, you enhance the security and reliability of your SMTP configuration. Here is an example of the code you need to add to the wp-config.php file:
define( 'WPMS_ON', true );
define( 'WPMS_SMTP_HOST', '' );
define( 'WPMS_SMTP_AUTH', true );
define( 'WPMS_SMTP_PORT', 587 );
define( 'WPMS_SSL', 'tls' );
define( 'WPMS_SMTP_USERNAME', '' );
define( 'WPMS_SMTP_PASSWORD', 'your-email-password' );
define( 'WPMS_SMTP_AUTO_TLS', true );
define( 'WPMS_FROM', '' );
define( 'WPMS_WPMS', true );
Make sure to replace the placeholders with your actual SMTP information, including your Gmail email address and password. Once you have added these settings to the wp-config.php file and saved the changes, WordPress will start using the configured SMTP settings for sending emails. It is important to note that editing the wp-config.php file requires access to the file system of your WordPress website. You can use a file manager, FTP server, or SSH terminal to make these changes.

Configuring SMTP in the Theme Functions File

Configuring SMTP in the theme functions file is another method for setting up Gmail SMTP in WordPress. By making changes directly in the functions.php file, you can ensure that WordPress uses the correct SMTP settings for sending emails. Below are the steps to add SMTP settings to the theme functions file:
  1. Access your WordPress theme folder, which contains the functions.php file.
  2. Open the functions.php file using a code editor.
  3. Find the opening <?php tag at the beginning of the file.
  4. Add the following lines of code just below the opening <?php tag:
// Set up SMTP settings for email add_action( ‘phpmailer_init’, ‘configure_smtp’ ); function configure_smtp( $phpmailer ) { $phpmailer->isSMTP(); $phpmailer->Host = ‘’; $phpmailer->SMTPAuth = true; $phpmailer->Port = 587; $phpmailer->Username = ‘’; $phpmailer->Password = ‘your-password’; $phpmailer->SMTPSecure = ‘tls’; }
Make sure to replace ‘’ and ‘your-password’ with your actual Gmail email address and password. These settings configure the SMTP connection to use Gmail’s servers. After adding the code, save the functions.php file and upload it back to your WordPress theme folder. WordPress will now use these SMTP settings for sending emails. It is important to note that modifying the theme functions file directly may not be the best option if you plan to update your theme in the future. Any changes made to the functions.php file will be overwritten during theme updates. To avoid this, consider using a child theme or creating a custom plugin to add the SMTP settings.

Configuring SMTP with a Plugin

If you prefer a more user-friendly approach to configuring SMTP in WordPress, you can use a plugin. There are several SMTP plugins available in the WordPress plugin store, each offering its own set of features and functionality. Here are a few recommended SMTP plugins for WordPress:
  1. Easy WP SMTP: This plugin allows you to configure SMTP settings directly from your WordPress dashboard. It supports various SMTP providers, including Gmail, and provides options for encryption, SMTP authentication, and mailer debugging.
  2. Post SMTP Mailer with Email Log: This popular plugin offers an intuitive interface for configuring SMTP settings. It includes features like email logging, which can be useful for troubleshooting, and supports multiple SMTP providers, including Gmail.
  3. WP Mail SMTP by WPForms: Developed by the creators of WPForms, this plugin enables you to easily set up SMTP in WordPress. It offers seamless integration with popular email service providers, including Gmail, and provides comprehensive settings for email authentication and delivery.
Once you have chosen and installed your preferred SMTP plugin, you can access its settings within the WordPress dashboard. The plugin will typically require you to input your SMTP host, port number, username, password, and other relevant details. These settings can usually be obtained from your email service provider, such as Gmail, or your hosting provider if you are using a custom SMTP server. By configuring SMTP with a plugin, you can streamline the process and ensure that your email delivery is reliable and secure. The plugin takes care of the technical aspects, allowing you to focus on your content and communication with your audience. With the right SMTP plugin, you can enhance the effectiveness of your email marketing campaigns and improve the overall email experience for your WordPress site visitors.

Comparison of Recommended SMTP Plugins

To help you make an informed decision, here is a table comparing the features and key differences of the recommended SMTP plugins for WordPress:
SMTP Plugin Key Features
  • Support for various SMTP providers
  • Encryption and authentication options
  • Debugging tools for troubleshooting
Post SMTP Mailer with Email Log
  • Email logging for troubleshooting
  • Support for multiple SMTP providers
  • Flexible configuration options
WP Mail SMTP by WPForms
  • Integration with popular email service providers
  • Detailed settings for email authentication and delivery
  • User-friendly interface

Installing and Configuring the Post SMTP Plugin

In this section, we will guide you through the process of installing and configuring the Post SMTP plugin in WordPress. By following these steps, you will be able to set up Gmail SMTP for your WordPress site, ensuring reliable email delivery. Step 1: Install the Post SMTP Plugin To begin, log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to “Plugins” -> “Add New.” In the search bar, type “Post SMTP” and click “Install Now” next to the Post SMTP Mailer with Email Log plugin. Once the installation is complete, click “Activate” to enable the plugin. Step 2: Access the Plugin Settings After activating the plugin, you will see a new menu option called “Post SMTP” in your WordPress dashboard. Click on it to access the plugin settings. Here, you will find various configuration options to set up Gmail SMTP. Step 3: Configure Gmail SMTP In the plugin settings, click on the “SMTP” tab. Choose “Other SMTP” as the mailer, and select “Gmail” from the drop-down menu. Fill in your Gmail email address and password in the respective fields. It is recommended to generate an app password for your Gmail account to enhance security. You can do this by following the instructions provided by Google. Once you have entered your Gmail credentials, click on the “Testing & Debugging” tab to test your SMTP configuration. Here, you can send a test email to verify that your Gmail SMTP setup is working correctly. Note: Make sure you have enabled the “Less Secure Apps” option in your Gmail account settings to allow WordPress to send emails via SMTP. Congratulations! You have successfully installed and configured the Post SMTP plugin for Gmail SMTP in WordPress. This will ensure that your WordPress site can send emails reliably using Gmail’s secure SMTP server.

Setting Up SMTP in Google Workspace/Gmail

To use Gmail SMTP for sending emails from your WordPress site, you need to set up SMTP in Google Workspace (formerly known as G Suite) or Gmail. This involves adding MX records to your domain name, which ensures that emails sent from your site appear to be coming from your domain name, enhancing authenticity and improving deliverability. To set up SMTP in Google Workspace, you will need to access your domain’s DNS settings and add the appropriate MX records. These records specify the mail servers responsible for handling your domain’s email. By properly configuring these records, you can establish a secure connection between your WordPress site and Gmail SMTP. Along with adding MX records, you will also need to configure the SMTP settings for Gmail. These settings include the SMTP server address, port number, username, password, and encryption method. Additionally, you may need to generate an app password, which is a unique password used specifically for allowing your WordPress site to access your Gmail account.

Google Workspace MX Records

Record Type Hostname Priority TTL Points to
MX @ 1 3600
MX @ 5 3600
MX @ 5 3600
MX @ 10 3600
MX @ 10 3600
By following these steps and properly configuring SMTP in Google Workspace/Gmail, you can ensure that your WordPress site can send emails using Gmail SMTP. This will enable reliable and secure email delivery, enhancing the communication capabilities of your WordPress website.

Troubleshooting SMTP Configuration Issues

Troubleshooting SMTP configuration in WordPress can help resolve common issues and ensure smooth email delivery. Here are some of the most common SMTP issues you may encounter and tips for fixing them:
  • 1. Network Unreachable Errors: If you receive network unreachable errors, check your server’s firewall settings and ensure that outbound connections on the SMTP port are allowed. Additionally, verify that your server has internet connectivity.
  • 2. Difficulties with SMTP Relay Setup: If you’re having trouble setting up SMTP relays, double-check the relay server address, port number, and authentication credentials. Make sure you have entered them correctly in your SMTP configuration.
  • 3. Errors Related to Gmail SMTP: When using Gmail SMTP, you may encounter authentication errors or SMTP connection timeouts. To fix these issues, ensure that you have enabled access to less secure apps in your Gmail account settings. Additionally, check if you are using the correct SMTP server address ( and port number (587 or 465 with SSL).
When troubleshooting SMTP issues, it’s important to carefully review your SMTP configuration settings and compare them against the requirements of your email service provider. Additionally, consider checking the spam folder of the recipient’s email account to ensure that the emails are not being filtered as spam. If the problem persists, you can try using an alternative SMTP provider or consult with your hosting provider for further assistance.

Best Practices for Troubleshooting SMTP Issues

 Double-check SMTP Configuration: Verify that your SMTP settings are accurate, including the server address, port number, username, password, and encryption method. Test Email Delivery: Send test emails to different email addresses and check if they are being delivered successfully. This can help identify any specific issues with certain recipients. Review Server Logs: Check your server logs for any error messages or warnings related to email delivery. These logs can provide valuable insights into the cause of SMTP issues. By following these troubleshooting tips and best practices, you can address common SMTP configuration issues in WordPress and ensure that your emails are delivered successfully to recipients.
Issue Resolution
Network Unreachable Errors Check firewall settings and ensure internet connectivity on your server.
Difficulties with SMTP Relay Setup Double-check relay server details and authentication credentials.
Errors Related to Gmail SMTP Enable access for less secure apps in Gmail settings and verify the correct SMTP server address and port number.

Enhancing SMTP Security and Improving Email Deliverability

Securing your SMTP configuration is essential for protecting your WordPress website from potential vulnerabilities and ensuring the successful delivery of your emails. By implementing certain security measures and optimizing your email settings, you can enhance the overall security and reliability of your SMTP setup. Here are some best practices to consider:

Enabling Two-Factor Authentication

One effective way to enhance SMTP security is by enabling two-factor authentication (2FA). By requiring users to provide an additional authentication factor, such as a unique code sent to their mobile device, you add an extra layer of security to your email account. This prevents unauthorized access and reduces the risk of email account compromise.

Using SSL Encryption

Another important step in securing your SMTP configuration is to use SSL encryption. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encrypts the communication between your WordPress site and the SMTP server, protecting the data transmitted during the email-sending process. This encryption ensures that sensitive information, such as login credentials and email content, cannot be intercepted by malicious entities.

Regularly Monitoring Email Logs

To ensure optimal deliverability and troubleshoot any potential issues, it is crucial to regularly monitor your email logs. Email logs provide valuable insights into the status and delivery of your sent emails. By reviewing these logs, you can identify any anomalies, errors, or patterns that may impact the deliverability of your emails. This allows you to take proactive measures and resolve any issues promptly.

Optimizing Email Settings

In addition to implementing security measures, optimizing your email settings can also contribute to improved email deliverability. Consider using a dedicated IP address for your email sending to establish a positive reputation for your domain. Additionally, properly configure email headers, including the “From” address and reply-to address, to ensure that your emails comply with industry standards and appear legitimate to recipients and spam filters.


Securing your SMTP configuration is crucial for protecting your WordPress website and ensuring reliable email delivery. By enabling two-factor authentication, using SSL encryption, regularly monitoring email logs, and optimizing email settings, you can enhance the security and deliverability of your SMTP setup. Take the necessary steps to safeguard your email communication and enjoy the benefits of a secure and reliable email delivery system.

Alternatives to Gmail SMTP for WordPress

While Gmail SMTP is a popular choice for configuring SMTP in WordPress, there are alternative SMTP services available that can offer additional features and benefits. These third-party SMTP providers can be an excellent option for users who have specific requirements or need more advanced functionality for their email delivery. One alternative SMTP service for WordPress is SendGrid. SendGrid provides a reliable and scalable email infrastructure that can handle high email volumes and ensure successful delivery. It offers features like email analytics, advanced email templates, and robust APIs for seamless integration with your WordPress site. Another option to consider is Mailgun. Mailgun is a powerful email service provider that offers features such as email tracking, real-time analytics, and advanced deliverability tools. It also provides an easy-to-use API that allows you to send emails from your WordPress site effortlessly. If you’re looking for a comprehensive email marketing solution, you might consider using a service like Mailchimp. While primarily known for its email marketing capabilities, Mailchimp also offers SMTP services that can be integrated with your WordPress site. With Mailchimp, you can create engaging email campaigns, segment your audience, and track the performance of your emails. When choosing an alternative SMTP service for WordPress, it’s essential to consider your specific needs and requirements. Evaluate factors like pricing, scalability, deliverability, and available features to determine the best fit for your website. By exploring these alternatives, you can find an SMTP service that meets your unique needs and enhances your email communication capabilities.


In conclusion, setting up Gmail SMTP in WordPress is a vital step for improving email deliverability and ensuring smooth communication on your website. In this article, we have covered two methods for configuring SMTP: without a plugin and with a plugin. By following our detailed instructions and tips, you can successfully implement Gmail SMTP in your WordPress site. Configuring SMTP without a plugin involves editing the wp-config.php and function.php files, while using a plugin like Post SMTP simplifies the process with a user-friendly interface. Both methods have their advantages and can be tailored to your specific needs and preferences. Additionally, we have provided troubleshooting guidance for common SMTP configuration issues and discussed ways to enhance SMTP security and improve email deliverability. By following best practices such as enabling two-factor authentication and SSL encryption, you can further strengthen the security of your SMTP configuration. While Gmail SMTP is a popular choice, it’s worth exploring alternative SMTP services that offer additional features and cater to specific use cases. Integrating third-party SMTP providers with your WordPress site can provide greater flexibility and functionality.

Is Setting Up SMTP in WordPress Using Gmail the Most Efficient Method?

Setting up SMTP in WordPress allows for reliable email delivery. Using Gmail as the mailer is a popular choice due to its efficiency and deliverability. By configuring SMTP in WordPress with Gmail, users can ensure that their website’s emails reach the intended recipients without any issues.


How do I set up Gmail SMTP in WordPress without mistakes?

To set up Gmail SMTP in WordPress without mistakes, you can either configure SMTP manually without a plugin or use a plugin like Post SMTP Mailer. Follow the step-by-step instructions provided in our guide to ensure a smooth setup process.

Why is SMTP needed for WordPress emails?

SMTP is needed for WordPress emails because it provides a more reliable and secure method for sending emails. It helps prevent delivery issues and spam offers authentication and encryption for secure delivery, and can provide additional features like email tracking and delivery status notifications.

How can I configure SMTP on WordPress without using a plugin?

To configure SMTP on WordPress without using a plugin, you can manually edit the wp-config.php and function.php files. By adding specific constants and lines of code to these files, you can define the SMTP server address, username, password, port number, encryption method, and other options. Our guide provides detailed instructions for making these changes.

What are the SMTP email settings in wp-config.php?

The SMTP email settings in wp-config.php include the SMTP server address, username, password, port number, encryption method, and other options. By adding these settings to the wp-config.php file, you enhance the security of your SMTP configuration. Our guide provides the necessary code and instructions for adding these settings.

How do I configure the theme functions file for SMTP?

To configure the theme functions file for SMTP, you need to add specific lines of code to the functions.php file located in your WordPress theme. These changes ensure that WordPress uses the configured SMTP settings for sending emails. Our guide provides the necessary code and instructions for making these changes.

How do I configure SMTP with a plugin in WordPress?

To configure SMTP with a plugin in WordPress, you can use a plugin like Post SMTP Mailer with Email Log. After installing and activating the plugin, you can access the settings and configure it to work with Gmail SMTP. Our guide provides step-by-step instructions for installing the plugin and configuring it for optimal setup.

How do I install and configure the Post SMTP plugin in WordPress?

To install and configure the Post SMTP plugin in WordPress, you first need to install and activate the plugin from the WordPress plugin store. Once activated, you can access the settings and configure it to work with Gmail SMTP. Our guide provides detailed step-by-step instructions for installing the plugin and configuring it for optimal setup.

How do I set up SMTP in Google Workspace/Gmail?

To set up SMTP in Google Workspace/Gmail, you need to add MX records to your domain name. This allows you to send emails that appear to be coming from your domain name, enhancing authenticity and improving deliverability. Our guide provides instructions on adding MX records and also includes the necessary SMTP settings for Gmail and instructions on generating an app password.

How do I troubleshoot SMTP configuration issues in WordPress?

If you encounter issues while configuring SMTP in WordPress, our troubleshooting guide can help. We address common problems such as network unreachable errors, difficulties with SMTP relay setup, and errors related to Gmail SMTP. Follow our troubleshooting tips to resolve any configuration issues and ensure smooth email delivery.

How can I enhance SMTP security and deliverability?

To enhance SMTP security and deliverability, we recommend enabling two-factor authentication, using SSL encryption, and regularly monitoring your email logs for any issues. Our guide provides best practices for securing your SMTP configuration and optimizing your email settings.

What are the alternatives to Gmail SMTP for WordPress?

While Gmail SMTP is a popular choice, there are alternative SMTP services available. These third-party SMTP providers offer additional features and may be a better fit for specific use cases. Our guide explores some of the popular alternatives and guides integrating them with your WordPress site.