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How to Setup Email Forwarding in Office 365

Preeti K
11 Mins Read
Are you looking for a way to streamline your email management in Office 365? Setting up email forwarding can help ensure that important emails reach the right recipients promptly, even if they are using different accounts. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to easily configure email forwarding in Office 365.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn how to set up email forwarding in Office 365 to ensure important emails reach the right recipients.
  • Follow the step-by-step instructions to configure email forwarding in the admin center.
  • Consider best practices and potential considerations when using email forwarding in Office 365.
  • Discover additional options and benefits of email forwarding in Office 365.

Before You Begin

Before setting up email forwarding in Office 365, it is important to consider a few key factors. Firstly, ensure that you have enabled the option to allow automatically forwarded messages to be sent to people on the remote domain. This will ensure that emails are properly forwarded to the desired recipients. Additionally, keep in mind that only new emails sent to the mailbox will be forwarded once email forwarding is enabled. Any existing emails in the mailbox will not be forwarded automatically. Another important consideration is the licensing requirement for email forwarding. The from account needs to have a license for email forwarding to work, unless it is a shared mailbox. If the user has left your organization, you can convert their mailbox to a shared mailbox, which allows multiple people to access it. However, shared mailboxes have a limit of 50 GB, so make sure to consider the storage capacity when setting up email forwarding for shared mailboxes. To summarize, before beginning the email forwarding setup process in Office 365, ensure that you have enabled the option for automatically forwarded messages, understand the limitations of forwarding existing emails, and are aware of the licensing requirements for email forwarding. By considering these factors, you can ensure a smooth and successful email forwarding setup in Office 365.

Setting up Email Forwarding through the Admin Center

Setting up email forwarding in Office 365 is a straightforward process that can be done through the admin center. By following these steps, you can easily configure email forwarding for users in your organization.

Step 1: Access the Admin Center

To begin, log in to your Office 365 admin account and navigate to the admin center. From there, go to the Users > Active Users page and select the name of the user whose email you want to forward.

Step 2: Navigate to the Email Forwarding Settings

Once you have selected the user, go to the Mail settings and expand the Email forwarding section. Click on the “Edit” button to access the email forwarding page.

Step 3: Configure Email Forwarding

On the email forwarding page, you will see the option to toggle “Forward all email sent to this mailbox.” Enable this option and enter the forwarding address where you want the emails to be forwarded. You can also choose whether to keep a copy of forwarded emails in the original mailbox. Once you have made the necessary configurations, click “Save” to activate email forwarding. It’s worth noting that if you want to forward emails to multiple addresses, you can ask the user to set up a rule in Outlook or create a distribution group and set up forwarding to point to the group.
Step Description
Step 1 Access the Admin Center
Step 2 Navigate to the Email Forwarding Settings
Step 3 Configure Email Forwarding
“Setting up email forwarding in Office 365 through the admin center is a simple process that allows you to forward emails from one mailbox to another. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure that emails are redirected to the desired recipient without any hassle. Whether you need to forward emails to a different account or set up forwarding for multiple addresses, the admin center provides a user-friendly interface to manage these configurations effectively.”

Setting up Email Forwarding as an Admin

If you are an admin in Office 365, you can set up email forwarding for users. This can be useful when you need to ensure that important emails are redirected to the right recipient. The process is straightforward and can be done within the admin center.

Steps to Set up Email Forwarding as an Admin:

  1. Log in to the Office 365 admin center.
  2. Go to the Users > Active users page.
  3. Select the name of the user whose email you want to forward.
  4. Scroll down to the Mail settings section and expand it.
  5. Click on Edit next to Email forwarding.
  6. Toggle the option for forwarding on.
  7. Enter the forwarding address where you want the emails to be redirected.
  8. Choose whether to keep a copy of the forwarded emails in the user’s mailbox.
  9. Save the changes to enable email forwarding.
By following these steps, you can easily set up email forwarding for users in Office 365. This feature allows you to ensure that important emails are delivered to the right recipient, even if they are using a different email account. As an admin, you can manage and configure email forwarding settings to meet the needs of your organization.
Benefits of Email Forwarding as an Admin in Office 365
Ensures important emails reach the intended recipient promptly.
Allows for centralized management of emails.
Provides flexibility and customization options.
Setting up email forwarding as an admin in Office 365 brings many benefits to your organization. It helps streamline communication by ensuring that important emails are promptly delivered to the right recipient, even if they are using a different email account. With centralized management of emails, you can easily configure and monitor forwarding settings. Additionally, the flexibility and customization options allow you to tailor email forwarding to meet the specific needs of your organization.

Troubleshooting Email Forwarding

If you encounter any issues with email forwarding in Office 365, it’s important to know how to troubleshoot and resolve them. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

Problem: Email forwarding is not working

If email forwarding is not working, the first thing to check is whether the user account has a valid license for email forwarding. Without a license, email forwarding will not function properly. Make sure that the user account has an active license for email forwarding.

Problem: Emails are not being forwarded to the correct address

If emails are not being forwarded to the correct address, double-check the forwarding address entered in the settings. Make sure that the address is accurate and free of any typos. Additionally, check if there are any filters or rules set up in the mailbox that may be affecting the forwarding process.

Problem: Forwarded emails are not being received

If forwarded emails are not being received by the intended recipient, verify that the forwarding address is correct and functioning correctly. Ensure that the recipient’s email server is not blocking the forwarded emails. Also, check if there are any spam filters or security settings in place that may be preventing the delivery of forwarded emails.
Problem Solution
Email forwarding is not working Check if the user account has a valid license for email forwarding.
Emails are not being forwarded to the correct address Verify the accuracy of the forwarding address and check for any filters or rules set up in the mailbox.
Forwarded emails are not being received Ensure the correctness of the forwarding address and check for any spam filters or security settings preventing delivery.
If you have gone through the troubleshooting steps mentioned above and the issue persists, it is recommended to contact Microsoft support for further assistance. They will be able to provide more advanced troubleshooting steps and help resolve any underlying technical issues.

Additional Options for Email Forwarding

In addition to the methods mentioned above, there are a few more options for email forwarding in Office 365. Users can turn on automatic forwarding in Outlook on the web to forward their emails to a different account. This can be useful for consolidating all your email into one account. It is also possible to create inbox rules in Outlook to forward messages to multiple recipients, automatically move incoming messages to a specific folder, or assign an importance level. These additional options provide flexibility and customization when it comes to email forwarding. Automatic forwarding in Outlook on the web is a simple process. Just go to the settings and click on “View all Outlook settings.” Then, navigate to the Mail section and select “Forwarding.” From there, you can enable automatic forwarding and enter the forwarding address. You also have the option to keep a copy of forwarded emails or delete them from your Outlook account. Once set up, all incoming emails will be automatically forwarded to the specified address. In addition to automatic forwarding, Outlook allows you to create inbox rules for more advanced email forwarding options. With inbox rules, you can define specific conditions and actions for incoming messages. For example, you can create a rule to forward emails from a specific sender to multiple recipients or automatically move emails with certain keywords to a designated folder. Inbox rules provide a granular level of control over email forwarding and can help optimize the management of your inbox.
“By leveraging the options available in Outlook on the web, users can take full advantage of email forwarding in Office 365. Whether it’s consolidating emails into one account or customizing forwarding rules, these additional options provide enhanced flexibility and efficiency.”

Table: Comparison of Email Forwarding Options in Office 365

Email Forwarding Option How to Enable Flexibility Customization
Forwarding in Office 365 Admin Center Admin enables forwarding for user Forwarding to a single address No customization options
Automatic Forwarding in Outlook on the web The user enables forwarding in the settings Consolidate emails into one account Keep a copy or delete forwarded emails
Inbox Rules in Outlook The user creates rules in the settings Custom conditions and actions for forwarding Forward to multiple recipients, move to specific folders, etc.
Table: Comparison of Email Forwarding Options in Office 365

Best Practices for Email Forwarding in Office 365

When setting up email forwarding in Office 365, it is important to follow best practices to ensure a smooth and secure process. By adhering to these guidelines, you can optimize the functionality and effectiveness of email forwarding within your organization.

Regularly Review and Update Email Forwarding Settings

It is recommended to regularly review and update your email forwarding settings to ensure they align with your organization’s requirements. This includes checking the forwarding address, enabling or disabling forwarding as needed, and reviewing any rule-based forwarding configurations. By keeping your settings up to date, you can ensure that emails are being forwarded to the appropriate recipients.

Communicate Changes or Updates to Users

When making changes or updates to email forwarding settings, it is important to communicate these changes to the affected users. Providing clear instructions and notifying them of any changes or disruptions to their email forwarding can help minimize confusion and ensure a smooth transition. Additionally, provide users with resources or documentation on how to manage their email forwarding settings independently, if applicable.

Enable Outbound Spam Filter Policies

To minimize the risk of spam or unwanted emails being forwarded, consider enabling outbound spam filter policies. These policies can help control the automatic forwarding of emails to external recipients and provide an added layer of security. By implementing these policies, you can minimize the chances of forwarding unauthorized or malicious content.

Regularly Monitor and Manage Email Forwarding

Monitoring and managing email forwarding on an ongoing basis is crucial to maintaining the security and efficiency of your email system. Regularly review forwarding logs and reports to identify any potential issues or discrepancies. If necessary, take immediate action to address any security concerns or suspicious activities. By proactively managing email forwarding, you can ensure the integrity and reliability of your organization’s email communication. Following these best practices can help you optimize the use of email forwarding in Office 365, streamline communication, and enhance productivity within your organization.

Benefits of Email Forwarding in Office 365

Email forwarding in Office 365 offers numerous benefits for organizations. By enabling email forwarding, you can ensure that important messages reach their intended recipients promptly, even if they are using different email accounts. This helps streamline communication and prevents any delays or missed messages. Additionally, email forwarding allows for centralized management of emails, reducing the need for users to constantly switch between multiple accounts. One of the key advantages of email forwarding in Office 365 is the flexibility it provides. Users can choose to forward emails to different addresses, allowing them to consolidate their emails into a single account. This not only saves time but also allows for effective email management. Moreover, email forwarding enables customization options, such as setting up rules for specific conditions or forwarding messages to multiple recipients. These additional features enhance productivity and efficiency within an organization. Another benefit of email forwarding is its ability to facilitate collaboration. By forwarding emails to relevant team members, you can ensure that everyone stays informed and can contribute to important discussions. This promotes effective teamwork and helps avoid communication gaps. Furthermore, email forwarding can be particularly useful for employees who are on leave or working remotely. By forwarding their emails to colleagues, you ensure that nothing falls through the cracks and that important tasks are handled promptly. In summary, email forwarding in Office 365 offers several advantages for organizations. It ensures timely communication, centralizes email management, provides flexibility and customization options, and promotes collaboration. By leveraging the benefits of email forwarding, you can enhance productivity and efficiency within your organization.
“Email forwarding in Office 365 ensures timely communication, centralizes email management, and promotes collaboration.”

Considerations for Email Forwarding in Office 365

While setting up email forwarding in Office 365 can be a beneficial feature for streamlining communication and email management within your organization, there are a few important considerations to keep in mind:
  1. Compliance: Ensure that you comply with any legal or regulatory requirements regarding the forwarding of emails. This includes protecting sensitive or confidential information and adhering to privacy regulations.
  2. Security: Regularly review your email forwarding settings to avoid potential security risks or unauthorized access. Educate users about the proper use of email forwarding to prevent misuse or unintended consequences.
  3. Account Management: Be mindful of the user accounts involved in email forwarding. Ensure that a license is assigned to the user account for email forwarding to work properly. Avoid deleting accounts or removing licenses that could disrupt email forwarding.
“Proper management and compliance with regulations are essential when implementing email forwarding in Office 365. By following best practices and taking these considerations into account, you can maximize the benefits of this feature while maintaining the integrity of your organization’s email system.”
By considering these factors and following best practices, you can optimize the use of email forwarding in Office 365 and ensure the smooth and secure flow of emails within your organization.

Table: Considerations for Email Forwarding in Office 365

Consideration Description
Compliance Ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements for email forwarding, protecting sensitive information, and adhering to privacy regulations.
Security Regularly review settings to prevent security risks and unauthorized access, educating users about proper use and preventing misuse.
Account Management Assign licenses to user accounts, and avoid deleting or removing licenses that could disrupt email forwarding.
Proper management and compliance with regulations are essential when implementing email forwarding in Office 365. By following best practices and taking these considerations into account, you can maximize the benefits of this feature while maintaining the integrity of your organization’s email system.


In conclusion, setting up email forwarding in Office 365 is a straightforward process that can greatly enhance communication and streamline email management within your organization. By following the configuration steps outlined in this tutorial, you can easily enable email forwarding for users in your Office 365 environment. It ensures that important emails reach the right recipients promptly, even if they are using different accounts. Remember to consider the best practices and considerations mentioned to optimize the use of email forwarding in Office 365. Regularly review your settings, comply with legal and regulatory requirements, and educate your users about proper usage to maximize the benefits of email forwarding while maintaining the integrity of your email system. By implementing email forwarding in Office 365, you can improve communication efficiency, centralize email management, and provide flexibility and customization options for your users. Take advantage of this feature to enhance productivity and streamline your organization’s email workflows.

Can I Use Office 365 SMTP Relay for Email Forwarding?

Yes, you can setup Office 365 SMTP relay for email forwarding. This allows sending emails from applications and devices through your Office 365 tenant. By setting up Office 365 SMTP relay, you can easily streamline the email forwarding process within your organization.


How do I set up email forwarding in Office 365?

To set up email forwarding in Office 365, go to the admin center, select the user whose email you want to forward, go to the Mail tab, choose “Manage email forwarding,” enter the forwarding address, and save the changes.

Do I need to be an Exchange administrator or a Global administrator to set up email forwarding?

Yes, you need to be an Exchange administrator or Global administrator in Office 365 to set up email forwarding.

What are the requirements for email forwarding to work?

The from account needs to have a license for email forwarding to work, unless it is a shared mailbox. Additionally, make sure to allow automatically forwarded messages to be sent to people on the remote domain.

Can I forward emails to multiple addresses?

Yes, you can forward emails to multiple addresses by setting up a rule in Outlook or creating a distribution group and setting up forwarding to point to the group.

How can I troubleshoot email forwarding issues in Office 365?

If you experience any issues, make sure a license is assigned to the user account, check if the account has been deleted or the license has been removed, wait for an hour and try again, or contact Microsoft support for further assistance.

Are there additional options for email forwarding in Office 365?

Yes, users can turn on automatic forwarding in Outlook on the web or create inbox rules in Outlook to forward messages to multiple recipients, move incoming messages to specific folders, or assign importance levels.

What are some best practices for email forwarding in Office 365?

Regularly review email forwarding settings, communicate changes or updates to users, enable outbound spam filter policies, and monitor and manage email forwarding to maintain security and efficiency.

What are the benefits of email forwarding in Office 365?

Email forwarding ensures important emails reach the right recipients promptly, allows for centralized management of emails, and provides flexibility and customization options.

What considerations should I keep in mind for email forwarding in Office 365?

Comply with legal and regulatory requirements, review email forwarding settings regularly, educate users about proper use, and ensure the integrity of your organization’s email system.