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How to Setup Email Encryption in Office 365 – A Step-by-Step Guide

Preeti K
10 Mins Read
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on setting up email encryption in Office 365. In today’s cyber-focused world, protecting sensitive information is of utmost importance for businesses. With the recent update, Microsoft has enhanced the email encryption capabilities in Office 365, making it easier and more secure than ever before. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of enabling email encryption in your Office 365 account. From understanding the different encryption options to creating and managing encryption rules and policies, we’ve got you covered. By the end of this guide, you will have the knowledge and tools to safeguard your confidential communications effectively.

Key Takeaways:

  • Office 365 provides robust email encryption options to protect sensitive information.
  • There are two types of email encryption: Transport Level and End-to-end encryption.
  • Encrypting emails in Office 365 can be done through the “Encrypt” button in Outlook.
  • Creating and managing encryption rules and policies ensures consistent protection.
  • Follow best practices like enabling encryption by default and educating employees on proper usage.

Understanding Email Encryption and How It Works

Email encryption is a vital component of cybersecurity management, ensuring the protection of sensitive information from unauthorized access. The encryption process involves converting the contents of an email into an unreadable format, known as ciphertext, during transmission. The ciphertext can only be decrypted and understood by the intended recipient using encryption keys or a validation process. There are two primary types of email encryption:
  • Transport Level encryption: This encryption method protects messages while they are in transit between email servers. It prevents unauthorized parties from intercepting and tampering with the message during transmission.
  • End-to-end encryption: This encryption method encrypts emails from the moment they are composed until they are decrypted by the intended recipient. It provides a higher level of security as the message remains encrypted throughout its entire journey.
To implement email encryption, various tools and protocols can be used:
Encryption Tools and Protocols Description
STARTTLS A protocol that upgrades a standard unencrypted connection to an encrypted one, ensuring secure communication between email servers.
MTA-STS Mail Transfer Agent Strict Transport Security is a protocol that enforces the use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption between email servers.
DANE Domain Name System Security Extensions is a protocol that allows domain owners to publish encryption certificates, providing a mechanism to validate server identities.
Bitmessage An encrypted peer-to-peer messaging protocol that ensures secure communication between users without the need for a central server.
GnuPG (GNU Privacy Guard) A free and open-source software suite that implements the OpenPGP standard for email encryption and digital signatures.
PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) A data encryption and decryption program that uses cryptographic techniques to secure email communications.
S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) A widely used industry-standard protocol that uses digital certificates to authenticate senders and encrypt email messages.
By employing these tools and protocols, individuals and organizations can ensure secure and confidential communication while mitigating the risks associated with unauthorized access to sensitive information.

Pros and Cons of Email Encryption

Email encryption offers several benefits when it comes to protecting sensitive information in business communications. Let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of email encryption:

Benefits of Email Encryption

  • Enhanced Data Security: With email encryption, you can safeguard your confidential information from unauthorized access, reducing the risk of data breaches.
  • Efficient and Easy to Use: Encrypting emails can be seamlessly integrated into your existing email workflow, ensuring that sensitive information is protected without causing inconvenience.
  • Authentication and Spam Protection: Email encryption helps verify the authenticity of the sender, reducing the likelihood of fraudulent or spam emails.
  • Cost-efficiency: Implementing email encryption solutions can be a cost-effective way to protect your confidential information, especially when compared to the potential financial consequences of data breaches.
  • Mitigating the Risk of Data Breaches: By encrypting your emails, you can significantly reduce the risk of sensitive information falling into the wrong hands, maintaining the privacy and integrity of your communications.

Drawbacks of Email Encryption

  • Regular Maintenance: Email encryption solutions may require regular updates and maintenance to ensure optimal performance and security.
  • Recipient Requirements: In some cases, recipients of encrypted emails may need to have specific decryption tools or software to access the encrypted content.
  • Additional Setup and Oversight: Setting up email encryption may involve additional configuration and oversight to ensure that the encryption policies align with your organization’s security requirements.
While email encryption offers significant advantages in protecting sensitive information, it’s essential to consider these drawbacks and evaluate whether the benefits outweigh the potential challenges for your organization.

Overview of Office 365’s Email Encryption Capabilities

Email encryption is a critical component of data security in today’s digital landscape. With Office 365, businesses can leverage various encryption options to protect their sensitive information. Let’s explore some of the key email encryption capabilities offered by Office 365:

Microsoft Purview Message Encryption

Microsoft Purview Message Encryption is a comprehensive encryption solution that allows users to encrypt messages and exercise control over the decryption process. It offers features such as restricted access, customizable permissions, and even the ability to set expiration dates for encrypted messages. With Microsoft Purview Message Encryption, businesses can ensure that only authorized recipients can access and read encrypted emails, enhancing the security and confidentiality of their communications.

Information Rights Management (IRM)

Information Rights Management is another powerful encryption feature in Office 365. It provides data protection and control over access and sharing. IRM allows businesses to define specific rights and permissions for their sensitive content, including restrictions on forwarding, copying, and printing. By implementing IRM, organizations can prevent unauthorized distribution and leakage of sensitive information, maintaining a high level of data security and compliance.


S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) is an industry-standard protocol that uses digital certificates for authentication and encryption. It ensures end-to-end security for email communications, protecting messages from interception and tampering. S/MIME enables businesses to establish secure and trusted email communications, giving both senders and recipients confidence in the confidentiality and integrity of their messages.

Table: Office 365 Email Encryption Capabilities Comparison

Encryption Feature Key Benefits
Microsoft Purview Message Encryption Control over the decryption process, customizable permissions, and expiration dates for encrypted messages
Information Rights Management (IRM) Data protection and control over access and sharing, restrictions on forwarding, copying, and printing
S/MIME Industry-standard protocol, end-to-end security, trusted email communications
By leveraging these powerful encryption capabilities, businesses can establish a robust email security framework within their Office 365 environment. Whether it’s Microsoft Purview Message Encryption, Information Rights Management, or S/MIME, Office 365 offers flexible options to meet the diverse needs of organizations when it comes to protecting their sensitive information.

How to Setup Email Encryption in Office 365

If you want to enhance the security of your email communications in Office 365, setting up email encryption is a crucial step. By encrypting your emails, you ensure that sensitive information remains protected and inaccessible to unauthorized individuals. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of setting up email encryption in Office 365.

Step 1: Open a new email message

To begin, open a new email message in your Outlook client. This can be done by clicking on the “New Email” button or using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + N.

Step 2: Click on the “Options” tab and select the encryption option

Next, click on the “Options” tab in the top menu bar of the new email message. Within the “Options” tab, you will find the “Encrypt” button. Click on this button to access the encryption options available to you. Choose the encryption option that best fits your needs and requirements.

Step 3: Compose your email and send

After selecting the encryption option, finish composing your email as usual. Once you are ready to send the email, click on the “Send” button. Your email will now be encrypted and protected during transit. Alternatively, if you only want to encrypt a single message, you can select the “Encrypt message contents and attachments” option in the email properties. This option allows you to encrypt specific emails without having to enable encryption for all outgoing messages. It is also important to create and manage encryption rules and policies within your organization. These rules and policies ensure consistent protection of sensitive information and help enforce encryption practices across your email communications.
Benefits of Email Encryption in Office 365 Drawbacks of Email Encryption in Office 365
  • Safeguards sensitive information
  • Efficient and easy to use
  • Authentication and spam protection
  • Cost-efficient
  • Mitigates the risk of data breaches
  • Regular maintenance required
  • Recipients need decryption tools
  • Additional setup and oversight may be needed

Creating and Managing Encryption Rules and Policies

When it comes to email encryption in Office 365, creating and managing encryption rules and policies is essential for ensuring the security of sensitive information. By implementing best practices in this area, businesses can establish a robust framework to protect their data from unauthorized access and mitigate the risk of data breaches. To begin, organizations should start by identifying the sensitive data that needs protection. This could include personally identifiable information (PII), financial records, or any other confidential information that could be compromised if it falls into the wrong hands. Once the sensitive data has been identified, encryption standards and guidelines should be established. This includes determining the encryption algorithms and key lengths to be used, as well as defining the encryption protocols and techniques that will be employed. It is important to choose encryption methods that are industry-standard and widely recognized for their effectiveness. After setting encryption standards and guidelines, encryption policies should be developed to define when encryption is needed and how the encryption key should be handled. These policies should outline the specific circumstances under which encryption should be applied, such as when sending emails containing sensitive data or when communicating with external parties. Additionally, the policies should provide clear instructions on how encryption keys should be generated, stored, and shared to ensure their secure handling.
Best Practices for Encryption Rules and Policies
Regularly review and update encryption policies to address new threats and changes in regulations
Train employees on encryption policies and best practices to ensure consistent implementation
Implement and enforce encryption policies throughout the organization to maintain data security
Training employees on encryption policies and best practices is crucial to ensure that encryption is consistently implemented throughout the organization. This includes educating employees on the importance of using encryption when handling sensitive data and providing step-by-step instructions on how to encrypt emails and documents in Office 365. Regular training and awareness programs can help reinforce the importance of encryption and promote a culture of data security within the organization. Lastly, it is important to regularly review and update encryption policies to address new threats and changes in regulations. The cybersecurity landscape is constantly evolving, and encryption policies should be adaptable to stay ahead of potential vulnerabilities. By staying informed about the latest encryption technologies and industry best practices, businesses can ensure that their encryption rules and policies remain effective in safeguarding sensitive information.

Best Practices for Using Office 365 Email Encryption

When it comes to email encryption in Office 365, implementing best practices can greatly enhance your data security and protect sensitive information. Here are some key practices to optimize your use of email encryption:

1. Ensure users have secure passwords:

Encourage users to create strong, unique passwords for their Outlook accounts. Passwords should be a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters to minimize the risk of unauthorized access.

2. Enable encryption by default:

In the Office 365 settings, enable encryption by default for all outgoing emails. This ensures that sensitive information is automatically encrypted without requiring manual intervention from users, reducing the risk of accidental data exposure.

3. Regularly update and patch encryption software:

Stay up-to-date with the latest security patches and updates for your email encryption software. This helps address any vulnerabilities or weaknesses that could be exploited by cybercriminals.

4. Educate employees on encryption tool usage:

Provide training and resources to educate employees on the importance of encryption and how to properly use encryption tools in Office 365. This includes understanding when and how to encrypt emails, verifying encryption settings, and recognizing potential security risks.

5. Implement multi-factor authentication:

Add an extra layer of security by enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA) for Office 365 accounts. MFA requires users to provide additional verification, such as a fingerprint or a one-time passcode, in addition to their password, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.

6. Monitor and audit encryption processes:

Regularly monitor and audit your email encryption processes to ensure compliance and effectiveness. This includes reviewing encryption logs, analyzing any security incidents, and refining encryption policies as needed to address emerging threats. By following these best practices, you can maximize the security and efficiency of email encryption in Office 365, protecting your sensitive data and maintaining compliance with industry regulations.


Email encryption is a critical aspect of maintaining data security in business communications. With the various encryption options available in Office 365, businesses can enhance their data protection efforts and comply with regulatory requirements. By following the step-by-step guide and implementing best practices, organizations can effectively set up and manage email encryption to safeguard their sensitive information. Office 365 offers multiple encryption capabilities, including Microsoft Purview Message Encryption, Information Rights Management, and S/MIME. Each option provides different levels of control and protection, allowing businesses to choose the method that best suits their needs. Whether it’s encrypting messages with control over decryption, protecting data and controlling access, or using industry-standard protocols for authentication and encryption, Office 365 has the tools to secure email communications. To optimize email encryption in Office 365, it’s important to follow best practices. This includes ensuring users have secure passwords, enabling encryption by default for outgoing emails, regularly updating encryption software, and educating employees on proper encryption usage. Implementing multi-factor authentication and monitoring encryption processes can further strengthen security efforts and ensure compliance. In conclusion, email encryption in Office 365 is a powerful tool for protecting sensitive information and maintaining data security. By leveraging the encryption capabilities provided and implementing best practices, businesses can confidently communicate and share information while minimizing the risk of unauthorized access or data breaches. Take advantage of the robust encryption options in Office 365 to safeguard your organization’s confidential information and maintain compliance with industry standards.


Safeguard Your Business’s Confidential Information with Email Encryption in Office 365 Email encryption plays a crucial role in protecting sensitive information in business communications. By setting up email encryption in Office 365, you can ensure that your confidential data remains secure from unauthorized access. With options like Microsoft Purview Message Encryption, Information Rights Management, and S/MIME, you have a range of encryption methods to choose from, depending on your organization’s needs. By following the step-by-step guide provided in this article and implementing best practices, you can effectively set up and manage email encryption in Office 365. This will not only enhance your data security measures but also help you comply with regulations related to data protection and privacy. Remember to create and manage encryption rules and policies, train your employees on encryption best practices, and regularly review and update your encryption policies to stay ahead of new threats. Additionally, it’s important to optimize your email encryption setup by enabling encryption by default, ensuring secure passwords, updating encryption software, and implementing multi-factor authentication. Take advantage of the encryption capabilities offered by Office 365 to safeguard your business’s confidential information and maintain the trust of your clients and partners. Protecting your sensitive data is essential for maintaining a secure and compliant business environment in today’s digital landscape.

Can Setting up an Email Disclaimer in Office 365 also involve Email Encryption?

Yes, setting up an email disclaimer in Office 365 can also involve email encryption. By utilizing Office 365’s email disclaimer setup in office, you can not only add a legal disclaimer to your outgoing emails but also ensure that sensitive information is protected through encryption, providing an extra layer of security.


What is email encryption?

Email encryption is the process of encoding an email message to protect its contents from unauthorized access.

Why is email encryption important?

Email encryption is important for protecting sensitive information from being accessed by unauthorized individuals.

What are the different types of email encryption?

The two types of email encryption are Transport Level encryption and End-to-end encryption.

What encryption options are available in Office 365?

Office 365 provides encryption options such as Microsoft Purview Message Encryption, Information Rights Management (IRM), and S/MIME.

How do I set up email encryption in Office 365?

To set up email encryption in Office 365, follow the step-by-step guide provided in the article.

How can I create and manage encryption rules and policies in Office 365?

You can create and manage encryption rules and policies in Office 365 by following the guidelines provided in the article.

What are the best practices for using email encryption in Office 365?

The best practices for using email encryption in Office 365 are outlined in the article.