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Cold Email vs Cold Call: Which One Wins the Outreach Game?

Preeti K
12 Mins Read

When it comes to sales prospecting, cold email and cold calling have long been the go-to methods for reaching out to potential customers. Both approaches have their strengths and weaknesses, but which one is more effective for outreach and communication? In this article, we will compare cold email and cold call, analyzing factors such as lead generation, ROI, ease of setup, time consumption, and cost to determine the winner in the outreach game.

But before we delve into the details, let’s first understand what cold email and cold call actually mean. Cold email refers to sending unsolicited emails to potential clients, often personalized and targeted. On the other hand, cold calling involves making unsolicited phone calls to prospects, aiming to establish a connection and pitch the product or service.

Key Takeaways:

  • Cold email and cold calling are traditional sales prospecting methods used to generate leads.
  • Lead generation is higher with cold email compared to cold calling.
  • Cold email offers a better ROI than cold call.
  • Cold calling is easier to set up than cold email.
  • Cold email is less time-consuming than cold calling.

Which One Generates the Most Leads: Cold Email or Cold Call?

To determine which method generates the most leads, let’s analyze the conversion rates of cold email and cold call. According to our research, cold email has a lead conversion rate of 1.55% based on conservative estimates, while cold call has a lead conversion rate of 0.08%. This means that cold email generates more leads compared to cold calling. While performance may vary depending on the industry, cold email is generally more effective in generating qualified leads.

To illustrate this further, let’s take a look at the following table:

Cold EmailCold Call
Lead Conversion Rate1.55%0.08%
Number of Leads Generated1,55080

As shown in the table, cold email generates significantly more leads compared to cold calling. This is mainly due to the scalable nature of email outreach, allowing for the simultaneous targeting of a larger number of prospects. While cold calling can still be effective in certain scenarios, cold email proves to be a more efficient method for lead generation.

Which One has the Best ROI: Cold Email or Cold Call?

When it comes to return on investment (ROI), determining which sales prospecting method offers better results is crucial for businesses. In this section, we will delve into the financial aspect and analyze the ROI of cold email and cold calling. By understanding the monetary gains from each method, companies can make informed decisions about their outreach strategies.

According to various studies, email marketing, which includes cold email, has an impressive ROI of around $40 per $1 spent. The ability to reach a large audience at a relatively low cost makes cold email an attractive option for businesses looking to maximize their returns. Although precise data on cold email ROI is not available, estimations suggest a return of approximately $20.5 per $1 spent.

On the other hand, the ROI for cold calling is estimated to be around $15.36 per $1 spent. While it still offers a positive return, the cost per lead generated is higher compared to cold email. This can be attributed to factors such as the time and resources required to train sales representatives and the higher cost of making phone calls.

Overall, the data indicates that cold email outperforms cold calling in terms of ROI. With significantly higher returns on investment, businesses can allocate their resources more efficiently and focus on scaling their outreach efforts through email marketing.

Table: ROI Comparison – Cold Email vs Cold Call

Cold EmailCold Call
ROI$20.5 per $1 spent (estimated)$15.36 per $1 spent (estimated)

As shown in the table above, cold email demonstrates a higher return on investment compared to cold calling. The ability to generate substantial returns while keeping costs low makes cold email an attractive choice for businesses aiming to optimize their sales outreach strategies.

Note: The ROI figures mentioned are approximate and can vary based on various factors such as industry, target audience, and the effectiveness of the sales team.

Which One is Easy to Set Up: Cold Email or Cold Call?

When it comes to the ease of setup, there are distinct differences between cold email and cold call. Cold calling can be set up quickly using VOIP software like Aircall, which allows sales teams to start making calls within minutes. With just a few clicks, sales representatives can access contact lists and dial numbers effortlessly. This simplicity makes cold calling an attractive option for businesses looking for a rapid setup and immediate outreach.

On the other hand, cold email requires more upfront work and sales training to ensure deliverability and effectiveness. Sales teams need to create compelling email templates, craft personalized messages, and familiarize themselves with email automation tools. Additionally, learning to navigate spam filters and avoiding the dreaded spam folder adds complexity to cold email setup. However, once the initial setup is complete, cold email becomes a scalable and efficient method of reaching out to prospects.

To summarize, while cold calling offers a quick and straightforward setup, cold email requires more upfront effort but provides long-term scalability and automation benefits.

Which One is Less Time Consuming: Cold Email or Cold Call?

Cold email and cold calling are both commonly used methods for sales outreach, but one key factor to consider is the amount of time each method consumes. In this section, we will analyze the time consumption of both cold email and cold call to determine which one is less time-consuming.

When it comes to cold email, once the initial setup of email templates and sequences is done, the process can be automated. This allows sales teams to reach out to a large number of prospects simultaneously without spending significant time on each individual. Additionally, email automation tools can track opens, clicks, and responses, making it easier for sales teams to prioritize and follow up with qualified leads, further reducing time consumption.

On the other hand, cold calling requires direct interaction with prospects, which can be more time-consuming for sales representatives. Each call requires time for introductions, pitch delivery, and potential rebuttals. Furthermore, reaching the decision-makers can sometimes be a challenge, resulting in additional time spent navigating through gatekeepers. Overall, the manual nature of cold calling makes it a more time-consuming method compared to cold email.

Based on this analysis, it is clear that cold email is the less time-consuming option when it comes to sales outreach. The ability to automate the process and reach a larger audience simultaneously allows sales teams to maximize their efficiency and focus their time and energy on qualified leads. However, it is important to note that the actual time consumption may vary depending on the size of the sales team, the complexity of the product or service being offered, and the target audience’s preferences.

Cold EmailCold Call
SetupRequires time for creating email templates and sequencesQuick setup using VOIP software like Aircall
ReachSimultaneously reaches a large number of prospectsRequires direct interaction with individual prospects
AutomationProcess can be automated, allowing for efficient follow-upManual nature of calls requires more time for each prospect
TrackingEmail automation tools track opens, clicks, and responsesNo automated tracking available

In summary, cold email is the less time-consuming method for sales outreach compared to cold calling. The ability to automate the process, reach a larger audience simultaneously, and track engagement metrics allows sales teams to save time and focus on qualified leads. However, it is important to carefully consider the target audience’s preferences and the complexity of the product or service being offered when deciding which method to prioritize for effective sales outreach.

Which One is Less Expensive: Cold Email or Cold Call?

When it comes to cost, cold email is the more affordable option compared to cold calling. Let’s break down the expenses involved in each method to understand the cost difference.

For cold email, the primary costs include software subscriptions for email automation tools, which can range from $10 to $50 per month depending on the features and the number of subscribers. Additionally, there may be personnel expenses for hiring copywriters or email marketers to create compelling email campaigns. However, these costs are relatively low compared to the potential return on investment.

On the other hand, cold calling involves higher expenses. Hiring and training a team of sales representatives can be costly, considering salaries, commissions, and ongoing training programs. There may be additional expenses for phone systems, call tracking software, and other tools to support the cold calling process. These costs can add up significantly, especially for businesses with large sales teams.

ExpenseCold EmailCold Call
Software$10-$50 per monthHigher cost for phone systems and call tracking software
PersonnelCopywriter or email marketer feesSalaries, commissions, and training
Total CostRelatively lowSignificantly higher

Considering the lower cost of cold email and its potential for generating qualified leads and high ROI, it is the more cost-effective option for many businesses. However, it’s important to note that the effectiveness of each method can vary depending on the industry, target audience, and specific sales goals. Therefore, businesses should consider their unique circumstances and conduct thorough cost-benefit analyses before deciding which outreach method to prioritize.

Cold Email vs Cold Call: Cold Email Wins

In the ongoing battle between cold email and cold call, it’s clear that cold email emerges as the victor. By analyzing key factors such as lead generation, ROI, ease of setup, time consumption, and cost, the benefits of cold email outweigh those of cold call. Let’s take a closer look at why cold email is the preferred choice for effective outreach and communication.

Email Benefits

Cold email offers several advantages over cold calling. Firstly, it generates more leads compared to cold calling due to its higher lead conversion rate. With a lead conversion rate of 1.55% compared to cold call’s 0.08%, cold email proves to be more effective in generating qualified leads. This increased lead generation translates to a higher potential for sales and business growth.

Secondly, cold email provides a better return on investment (ROI). According to various studies, the ROI for email marketing is around $40 per $1 spent. While precise data for cold email ROI is not available, it is estimated to be around $20.5 per $1 spent. In comparison, cold calling has an ROI of approximately $15.36 per $1 spent. This demonstrates that cold email offers a higher return on investment, making it a more cost-effective option for businesses.

Cold Call Advantages

While cold email takes the lead in terms of lead generation and ROI, it’s important to acknowledge the advantages of cold calling. Cold calling allows for more immediate and personal interactions with prospects. It allows sales representatives to build rapport, address specific objections, and provide real-time information. In certain industries or with specific buyer personas, cold calling may still be the preferred method of communication.

However, when considering the overall benefits and effectiveness, cold email emerges as the clear winner. It generates more leads, offers a better ROI, is easier to set up, consumes less time, and is more cost-effective compared to cold calling. By leveraging the power of personalized, targeted email outreach, businesses can maximize their sales opportunities and achieve better results.

ComparisonCold EmailCold Call
Lead GenerationHigher lead conversion rateLower lead conversion rate
ROIEstimated $20.5 per $1 spent$15.36 per $1 spent
SetupRequires sales training and setupQuick setup using VOIP software
Time ConsumptionLess time-consuming with automationMore time-consuming with direct interactions
CostLower costs compared to hiring and training sales representativesHigher costs in hiring and training sales representatives

Overall, cold email proves to be the more effective and efficient method for outreach and communication. By leveraging its benefits and leveraging personalized email marketing strategies, businesses can achieve higher lead generation, greater ROI, and cost savings.

When to Use Cold Email vs Cold Call

Choosing between cold email and cold call depends on various factors, including the nature of your business and your target audience. Here are some guidelines to help you determine when to use each method:

When to Use Cold Email:

  • When you have a large number of prospects to reach out to:

Cold email is highly scalable, allowing you to send personalized messages to a large audience simultaneously. This makes it an ideal choice when you have a long list of potential leads to contact.

  • When your target audience prefers email communication:

If your industry or specific buyer personas are more receptive to email communication, cold email can be an effective way to engage with prospects and nurture leads.

  • When cost-effectiveness is a priority:

Cold email is generally less expensive than cold calling, making it a suitable option for businesses looking to maximize their outreach efforts within a limited budget.

When to Use Cold Call:

  • When direct phone conversations are preferred:

In industries where personal interaction and immediate responses are valued, such as B2B sales or high-ticket items, cold calling can be more effective in establishing a direct connection and building rapport.

  • When dealing with specific buyer personas:

If your target audience consists of individuals who are more receptive to phone calls and prefer having a conversation to understand your offerings, cold calling can be a suitable method to initiate contact.

Ultimately, the choice between cold email and cold call should be based on a thorough understanding of your target audience, industry norms, and your specific sales goals. It may also be beneficial to combine both methods strategically, using cold email for initial contact and follow-ups, and cold calling for more personalized and immediate engagement.

Pros and ConsCold EmailCold Call
Lead GenerationHigher conversion rateLower conversion rate
ROIHigher return on investmentLower return on investment
SetupRequires sales training to avoid spam folders and effectively reach prospects’ inboxesQuick and easy setup using VOIP software
Time ConsumptionLess time-consuming with automation capabilitiesMore time-consuming with direct interaction
ExpenseLower cost compared to hiring and training sales representativesHigher cost for personnel and training

Engaging with Prospects Before Reaching Out: Cold Email and Cold Call Best Practices

Before reaching out to prospects, it is crucial to establish a connection and engage with them. This can significantly increase the chances of a positive response and successful outreach. Both cold email and cold call have their own best practices when it comes to prospect engagement.

Cold Email Best Practices

When sending a cold email, it is essential to personalize the message and make it relevant to the recipient. This can be achieved by conducting thorough research on the prospect and their company. Mentioning specific details and showing genuine interest can help grab their attention and increase the likelihood of a response.

Furthermore, it is recommended to keep the email concise and focused on the prospect’s pain points and how your product or service can provide a solution. Including a clear call-to-action and providing value in the form of helpful resources, such as industry insights or case studies, can also help establish credibility and build trust.

“Personalization is key when it comes to cold email. Taking the time to understand your prospects and tailoring your message to their needs can significantly improve your response rates.” – Sales Expert

Cold Call Best Practices

When making a cold call, preparation is key. Start by researching the prospect and their company to gather relevant information. This will enable you to have a more meaningful conversation and show that you’ve done your homework.

During the call, it is important to be confident, enthusiastic, and respectful of the prospect’s time. Introduce yourself and clearly articulate the purpose of the call. Focus on the value and benefits your product or service can bring to their business, addressing their pain points and offering solutions. By actively listening to the prospect and asking thoughtful questions, you can further engage them in the conversation.

“Cold calling is all about building rapport and establishing a connection with your prospects. Show genuine interest, be respectful, and focus on how you can help them solve their challenges.” – Sales Expert

By following these best practices, both in cold email and cold call outreach, you can increase your chances of engaging with prospects and turning them into valuable leads. Remember, each prospect is unique, so it is important to adapt your approach accordingly and always be professional and persistent in your outreach efforts.

Key Takeaways

  • Personalize cold emails and make them relevant to the prospect’s needs.
  • Keep cold emails concise and focused on providing value.
  • Research prospects before making cold calls and show genuine interest.
  • Be confident, respectful, and showcase the value your product or service offers during cold calls.
  • Always adapt your approach and be professional and persistent in your outreach efforts.


In conclusion, after analyzing the differences between cold email and cold call, it is clear that cold email holds the upper hand in the outreach game. Not only does cold email generate more leads compared to cold calling, but it also offers a better return on investment (ROI). With an estimated ROI of $20.5 per $1 spent, cold email outperforms cold calling, which has an ROI of approximately $15.36 per $1 spent.

Furthermore, cold email proves to be easier to set up compared to cold call. While cold calling requires immediate interaction and can be time-consuming for sales representatives, cold email can be automated once the email templates and sequences are set up. This allows sales teams to reach out to a large number of prospects simultaneously without spending significant time on each individual.

Lastly, cold email is a more cost-effective option. With lower expenses compared to the cost of hiring and training a team of sales representatives for cold calling, cold email proves to be the more economical choice for businesses.

In summary, while both cold email and cold calling have their advantages, cold email emerges as the winner in terms of lead generation, ROI, ease of setup, time consumption, and cost. However, the choice between the two methods ultimately depends on the nature of the business, target audience, and individual preferences. Strategic use of both methods can maximize sales opportunities and drive business growth.

Which outreach method is more effective for small businesses: cold email or cold calling?

For small businesses, the use of cold email outreach software can be more effective than cold calling. With the software, messages can be personalized and targeted, leading to a higher response rate. Additionally, it allows businesses to track and analyze the success of their outreach efforts for future improvements.


Which method between cold email and cold call generates the most leads?

Cold email generates more leads compared to cold calling.

Which method has the best ROI?

Cold email offers a better ROI compared to cold call.

Which method is easier to set up?

Cold calling has the advantage of being set up quickly using VOIP software, while cold email requires more training.

Which method is less time-consuming?

Cold email is less time-consuming as the process can be automated, while cold calling requires direct interaction.

Which method is less expensive?

Cold email is less expensive compared to cold calling.

Which method is more effective for outreach and communication?

Cold email outshines cold calling in terms of lead generation, ROI, ease of setup, time consumption, and cost.

When should I use cold email versus cold call?

Cold email is more suitable for businesses that can effectively reach prospects through email, while cold call may be more effective for industries where direct phone conversations are preferred or when dealing with specific buyer personas who are more receptive to cold calls.

How should I engage with prospects before reaching out?

Engage with prospects through social media interactions, such as liking or commenting on their posts, and send a cold email before making a cold call to introduce your brand and increase the chances of a positive response.

What are the best practices for cold email and cold call outreach?

Best practices include establishing a connection through social media, personalizing your outreach, and using prospect-specific information to build rapport.

Which method should I choose for sales prospecting?

The choice between cold email and cold call depends on factors such as industry, target audience, and individual preferences. Both methods can be used strategically to maximize sales opportunities and drive business growth.