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How to Setup Encrypted Email in Office 365

Preeti K
14 Mins Read
Are you concerned about the security of your email communications in Office 365? Setting up encrypted email is a crucial step in safeguarding sensitive information and ensuring the privacy of your business communications. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of setting up encrypted email in Office 365, providing you with the knowledge and steps needed to enhance your email security.

Key Takeaways:

  • Encrypting your Office 365 emails is essential for protecting sensitive information.
  • Office 365 offers different encryption options, such as Microsoft Purview Message Encryption, Information Rights Management (IRM), and S/MIME.
  • Follow our detailed instructions to set up encrypted email using these encryption capabilities in Office 365.
  • Implement best practices for secure email communications, including strong passwords and regular employee training.
  • By following these steps and utilizing Office 365’s encryption features, you can maintain a secure email environment and mitigate the risk of data breaches.

How Email Encryption Works

Email encryption plays a crucial role in ensuring secure communication and protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access. It involves the process of encoding email content in such a way that only authorized recipients can decipher and read the message. This is achieved by using encryption algorithms and digital keys to transform the plain text into ciphertext, which is then transmitted securely over the network. The encryption process begins with the sender composing an email. When the email is encrypted, its content is transformed into an unreadable format using a unique encryption key. This key is known only to the sender and the intended recipient, ensuring that the message can only be decrypted by the authorized recipient. Upon receiving the encrypted email, the recipient’s email client uses the corresponding decryption key to convert the ciphertext back into readable text. This ensures that even if the email is intercepted by unauthorized individuals during transmission, they cannot decipher its contents without access to the decryption key.

Benefits of Email Encryption

Email encryption provides several key benefits for cyber security management and the protection of sensitive information:
  • Confidentiality: Encrypted emails ensure that only authorized individuals can read the contents, maintaining the confidentiality of sensitive information.
  • Integrity: Encryption helps prevent tampering or alteration of email content during transmission, ensuring the integrity of the message.
  • Authentication: The use of encryption keys provides a means of verifying the identity of the sender and the integrity of the message.
  • Compliance: Many industries and regulations require the protection of sensitive information through encryption to ensure compliance with data protection standards.
By understanding how email encryption works and its benefits, organizations can make informed decisions about implementing the necessary measures to protect their email communications and ensure the security of sensitive information.

Types of Email Encryption and Their Pros and Cons

Email encryption is a crucial measure for protecting sensitive information and ensuring secure communication. There are two major types of email encryption transport-level encryption and end-to-end encryption, each with its own set of pros and cons.

Transport-Level Encryption

Transport-level encryption, also known as SSL/TLS encryption, secures email communication between the sender and the recipient’s email servers. It encrypts the data during transit, making it difficult for cyber attackers to intercept and access the content. Pros of Transport-Level Encryption:
  • Easy to implement and widely supported by email providers
  • Protects email content during transit
  • Reduces the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive information
Cons of Transport-Level Encryption:
  • Does not provide end-to-end encryption
  • Does not protect email content when stored on email servers
  • Email service providers can potentially access and view the decrypted email content

End-to-End Encryption

End-to-end encryption ensures that only the intended recipient can decrypt and access the email content. It encrypts the email message on the sender’s device and decrypts it on the recipient’s device, keeping the content confidential throughout the entire transmission. Pros of End-to-End Encryption:
  • Provides the highest level of security for email communication
  • Ensures that only the intended recipient can access the decrypted email content
  • Protects email content from unauthorized access, including service providers
Cons of End-to-End Encryption:
  • Can be more complex to implement compared to transport-level encryption
  • Requires both the sender and recipient to use compatible encryption software or tools
  • Cannot prevent the recipient from forwarding or copying the decrypted email content
Email Encryption Type Pros Cons
Transport-Level Encryption Easy to implement and widely supported by email providers; Protects email content during transit; Reduces the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive information Does not provide end-to-end encryption; Does not protect email content when stored on email servers; Email service providers can potentially access and view the decrypted email content
End-to-End Encryption Provides the highest level of security for email communication; Ensures that only the intended recipient can access the decrypted email content; Protects email content from unauthorized access, including service providers Can be more complex to implement compared to transport-level encryption; Requires both the sender and recipient to use compatible encryption software or tools; Cannot prevent the recipient from forwarding or copying the decrypted email content

Overview of Office 365’s Email Encryption Capabilities

Office 365 provides comprehensive email encryption capabilities to help safeguard sensitive information and ensure secure communication within organizations. With the increasing need for data protection and cybersecurity, Office 365 offers multiple encryption options to meet various security requirements.

Email Encryption Features

Microsoft Purview Message Encryption is one of the primary email encryption solutions offered by Office 365. It enables users to send encrypted emails to both internal and external recipients, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access the content. This feature provides an extra layer of protection, especially when sharing confidential information with external parties. Another email encryption option available in Office 365 is Information Rights Management (IRM). IRM allows users to apply access controls and restrictions to emails, protecting sensitive data from unauthorized access, forwarding, or printing. This feature gives organizations greater control over their email communications and ensures compliance with data protection regulations. S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) is a widely adopted email encryption standard supported by Office 365. It uses digital certificates to verify the authenticity of emails and provides end-to-end encryption for secure communication. S/MIME adds a layer of trust and protection to email exchanges, particularly for organizations with higher security requirements.

Comparison of Office 365’s Email Encryption Options

Encryption Solution Key Features Pros Cons
Microsoft Purview Message Encryption Secure email communication with internal and external recipients – Easy to use and implement – Ability to set encryption permissions and expiration dates – Limited customization options – Requires recipient to register or sign in to view encrypted content
Information Rights Management (IRM) Apply access controls and restrictions to emails – Granular control over email content – Prevents unauthorized forwarding or printing of sensitive data – Complex setup and configuration – Requires recipient to have an IRM-enabled client
S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) End-to-end encryption using digital certificates – Strong authentication and message integrity – Widely supported by email clients – Requires setup and management of digital certificates – May require recipient’s email client to support S/MIME

How to Setup Microsoft Purview Message Encryption in Office 365

Setting up Microsoft Purview Message Encryption in Office 365 allows organizations to enhance the security of their email communications. This feature enables the encryption of sensitive information sent to external recipients, ensuring that only intended recipients can access the content. To configure Microsoft Purview Message Encryption in Office 365, follow these steps:

Step 1: Enable Microsoft Purview Message Encryption

Start by accessing the Microsoft 365 admin center and navigating to the Security & Compliance Center. From the left-hand menu, select “Purview” and then click on “Message Encryption.” Toggle the switch to enable Microsoft Purview Message Encryption for your organization.

Step 2: Customize Encryption Permissions and Expiration Dates

Once Microsoft Purview Message Encryption is enabled, you can customize the encryption settings according to your organization’s needs. Specify the permissions for external recipients, such as allowing them to forward or edit the encrypted message. Additionally, set an expiration date for the encryption so that the message is no longer accessible after a certain time.

Step 3: Test External Recipient Encryption

Before sending encrypted emails to external recipients, it’s important to test the encryption process. Create a test email and select the encryption option before sending it to an external email address. Verify that the recipient receives the encrypted message and can successfully decrypt it using the provided instructions.
Benefits of Microsoft Purview Message Encryption Considerations
  • Enhances email security by encrypting sensitive information
  • Provides control over encryption permissions and expiration dates
  • Ensures secure communication with external recipients
  • Requires configuration and setup
  • This may cause inconvenience for recipients unfamiliar with encrypted emails
  • Requires regular testing and monitoring to ensure proper functionality
By following these steps, organizations can effectively set up Microsoft Purview Message Encryption in Office 365 and secure their email communications with external recipients. It is important to regularly review and update encryption policies to adapt to changing security requirements and ensure ongoing protection of sensitive information.

How to Setup Information Rights Management (IRM) in Office 365

To enhance data protection, access control, auditing, and tracking for encrypted email communications in Office 365, you can set up Information Rights Management (IRM). This feature allows you to define permissions and restrictions for email content, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access and interact with sensitive information. To set up Information Rights Management in Office 365, follow these steps:
  1. Open the Office 365 Admin Center and navigate to the Exchange Admin Center.
  2. Click on “Rights management” under “Protection” in the left-hand navigation menu.
  3. Click on “Activate” to enable Information Rights Management for your organization.
  4. Configure the default rights policy template according to your organization’s needs. This includes options such as allowing printing, forwarding, or copying of email content.
  5. Apply the rights policy template to specific email messages or distribution groups to enforce customized restrictions.
  6. Enable email tracking and auditing by configuring the necessary settings in the Exchange admin center. This allows you to monitor access to sensitive information and generate audit reports.
By setting up Information Rights Management in Office 365, you can take advantage of advanced data protection features that ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your email communications. This helps to prevent unauthorized access, data leaks, and information misuse, supporting your organization’s compliance and security requirements.
Advantages of Information Rights Management (IRM) Challenges of Information Rights Management (IRM)
  • Granular control over email content permissions
  • Prevention of unauthorized forwarding or copying of sensitive information
  • Protection against data leaks and intellectual property theft
  • Enhanced compliance with industry regulations
  • Ability to track and audit access to encrypted emails
  • Potential complexity in configuring and managing rights policies
  • Possible impact on user productivity with restrictions on certain actions
  • Need for user education and awareness regarding IRM usage and limitations

How to Setup S/MIME Encryption in Office 365

S/MIME encryption provides an additional layer of security for your email communications in Office 365. By digitally signing and encrypting your emails, you can ensure that only intended recipients can access the content and verify the authenticity of the sender. To set up S/MIME encryption in Office 365, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Obtain a Digital Certificate

The first step in setting up S/MIME encryption is to obtain a digital certificate. This certificate will be used to verify the authenticity of your emails and encrypt the message content. You can obtain a digital certificate from a trusted certificate authority or through your organization’s IT department.

Step 2: Import the Digital Certificate

Once you have obtained a digital certificate, you need to import it into your Office 365 account. To do this, go to the Exchange admin center, navigate to the certificates section, and click on “Add”. Select the option to import a certificate and follow the prompts to import your digital certificate.

Step 3: Enable S/MIME Encryption

After importing the digital certificate, you need to enable S/MIME encryption for your Office 365 account. Go to the Exchange admin center, select the user for whom you want to enable S/MIME encryption, and click on “Manage email apps”. Enable the S/MIME encryption option and save your changes. Once you have completed these steps, S/MIME encryption will be enabled for your Office 365 account. You can now send encrypted and digitally signed emails to ensure the security and authenticity of your communications.
Pros Cons
Ensures secure and private email communications Requires obtaining and managing digital certificates
Authenticates the sender’s identity May require additional setup and configuration
Protects against unauthorized access to email content Compatibility may be limited with certain email clients

Best Practices for Using Office 365 Email Encryption

When it comes to email communication, data security is paramount. Implementing email encryption in Office 365 is an effective way to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access. To optimize the use of Office 365 email encryption, consider the following best practices:

1. Use Secure Passwords

To enhance the security of your encrypted emails, ensure that strong, unique passwords are used for all user accounts. Encourage employees to create complex passwords, incorporating a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Regularly remind users to update their passwords and avoid reusing them across multiple platforms.

2. Enable Encryption by Default

Configure Office 365 to automatically encrypt outgoing emails by default. By enabling encryption by default, your organization can ensure that all sensitive information is protected, reducing the risk of accidental data exposure. This setting can be easily configured in the Office 365 admin center.

3. Establish Security Policies

Develop clear security policies that outline the appropriate use of email encryption within your organization. These policies should address topics such as data classification, encryption requirements, and user responsibilities. Regularly review and update these policies to stay aligned with evolving security standards and industry best practices.

4. Provide Employee Training

Education and awareness play a crucial role in maintaining a secure email environment. Conduct regular training sessions to educate employees about the importance of email encryption, how to recognize potential phishing attempts and best practices for handling sensitive information. By empowering your workforce with knowledge, you can significantly reduce the risk of security breaches. By following these best practices, your organization can leverage the full potential of Office 365 email encryption, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of your communications. Remember, email encryption is an essential component of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy, protecting your sensitive data from unauthorized access and mitigating the risk of data breaches.
Best Practice Description
Use Secure Passwords Create strong and unique passwords for user accounts to enhance email encryption security.
Enable Encryption by Default Configure Office 365 to automatically encrypt outgoing emails by default to reduce the risk of accidental data exposure.
Establish Security Policies Develop clear security policies that outline encryption requirements and user responsibilities.
Provide Employee Training Conduct regular training sessions to educate employees about email encryption and best practices for data security.


Securing email communications is paramount in today’s digital landscape, and setting up encrypted email in Office 365 is a crucial step toward achieving this goal. By following the steps outlined in this guide and leveraging the robust encryption options provided by Office 365, organizations can establish a secure email environment that safeguards sensitive information. Office 365’s email encryption capabilities, including Microsoft Purview Message Encryption, Information Rights Management (IRM), and S/MIME, offer diverse solutions to meet the specific encryption needs of businesses. Utilizing these tools allows for the protection of email content and ensures that only authorized individuals can access critical information. To maintain a secure email environment, it is important to adhere to best practices such as using strong passwords, enabling encryption by default, implementing security policies, and providing regular employee training. By implementing these measures, organizations can mitigate the risk of data breaches and enhance the overall security posture. In conclusion, Office 365 offers robust email encryption features that enable secure and confidential communication within organizations. By implementing the recommended steps and best practices outlined in this guide, businesses can establish a strong foundation for secure email communications and protect their sensitive data from unauthorized access.

Is Email Encryption in Office 365 Necessary for Ensuring Security?

Yes, having email encryption setup in Office is crucial for ensuring security. With the increasing threat of cyberattacks, it’s essential to protect sensitive information. Email encryption in Office 365 ensures that all communication remains secure, keeping data safe from unauthorized access and hackers.


How do I set up an encrypted email in Office 365?

To set up encrypted email in Office 365, follow these steps:
  1. Access Office 365 Portal:
    • Start by logging into your Office 365 account using your credentials.
  2. Navigate to Exchange Admin Center:
    • Once logged in, go to the Exchange Admin Center. You can find this in the Admin Centers section.
  3. Choose Message Encryption:
    • In the Exchange Admin Center, navigate to the “Protection” tab and select “Encrypt” from the menu.
  4. Enable Encryption:
    • Look for the option to enable encryption and follow the on-screen instructions. You may need to configure settings like encryption templates or policies.
  5. Define Encryption Rules:
    • Set up rules for when encryption should be applied. This can include criteria such as specific keywords, recipients, or types of content.
  6. Select Encryption Options:
    • Choose the type of encryption you want to implement. Office 365 typically supports encryption methods like S/MIME or Azure Information Protection.
  7. Review and Save:
    • Before finalizing the setup, review your settings to ensure they align with your security requirements. Once satisfied, save the changes.
  8. Test Encrypted Emails:
    • Send a test email to verify that the encryption is working as expected. This step is crucial to ensure that sensitive information remains secure during transmission.
  9. Communicate Encryption Policies:
    • Inform users about the encryption policies in place. Guide how to recognize encrypted emails and any additional steps they might need to take.

What does email encryption do?

Email encryption protects email content and sensitive information from unauthorized access, ensuring effective cyber security management.

What are the two major types of email encryption?

The two major types of email encryption are transport-level encryption and end-to-end encryption.

What encryption options does Office 365 offer?

Microsoft Office 365 offers multiple encryption options for email security, including Microsoft Purview Message Encryption, Information Rights Management (IRM), and S/MIME encryption.

How do I set up Microsoft Purview Message Encryption in Office 365?

To set up Microsoft Purview Message Encryption in Office 365, follow these steps:
  1. Access Microsoft 365 Compliance Center:
    • Log in to your Office 365 account and navigate to the Microsoft 365 Compliance Center. You can find this by selecting “Security” in the left navigation pane and then choosing “Compliance” from the dropdown menu.
  2. Navigate to Information Governance:
    • Within the Compliance Center, locate the “Solutions” section and select “Information governance.” This is where you’ll find settings related to data protection, including message encryption.
  3. Configure Sensitivity Labels:
    • Under Information Governance, find the option for “Sensitivity labels” and configure them to include Microsoft Purview Message Encryption. Assign these labels to the relevant content, such as emails, that you want to encrypt.
  4. Define Encryption Policies:
    • Proceed to the “Encryption” section in the Compliance Center. Define encryption policies that specify when and how Microsoft Purview Message Encryption should be applied. This involves setting conditions, such as keywords or recipients, triggering the encryption.
  5. Test and Monitor:
    • Before deploying the solution broadly, conduct tests to ensure that the encryption is working as expected. Monitor the logs and reports available in the Compliance Center to track encrypted messages and address any potential issues.

How do I set up Information Rights Management (IRM) in Office 365?

To set up Information Rights Management (IRM) in Office 365 for email encryption and data protection, follow these steps:
  1. Access the Office 365 Admin Center:
    • Log in to your Office 365 account with administrative credentials.
    • Navigate to the Admin Center.
  2. Go to the Security & Compliance Center:
    • Within the Admin Center, locate and click on the “Security & Compliance” option.
  3. Choose Information governance:
    • In the Security & Compliance Center, find and select “Information governance” from the menu.
  4. Set up Azure Rights Management (RMS):
    • Look for the option related to Rights Management and choose to activate or configure Azure Rights Management. This is a crucial step in enabling IRM.
  5. Activate IRM for Exchange Online:
    • Navigate to the Exchange Admin Center.
    • Go to “mail flow” and select “rules.”
    • Create a new transport rule for IRM and configure it to apply the desired rights protection settings.
  6. Configure IRM settings:
    • In the Security & Compliance Center, under Information governance, select “Rights management.”
    • Configure the settings for IRM, including the desired rights protection templates.
  7. Apply IRM to specific content:
    • Specify the conditions under which IRM should be applied, such as keywords, sender/recipient information, or other criteria.
  8. Test IRM protection:
    • Send test emails or documents to verify that the IRM protection is applied as expected.
  9. Review and monitor:
    • Regularly review and update IRM settings as needed.
    • Monitor IRM-protected content to ensure that it remains secure.
  10. Train Users:
    • Provide training to users on how to create and handle IRM-protected content.

How do I set up S/MIME encryption in Office 365?

To set up S/MIME encryption in Office 365 for secure email communications, follow these steps:
  1. Access Office 365 Settings:
    • Log in to your Office 365 account and navigate to the settings or options section. This is typically located in the upper right corner of the interface.
  2. Select Security and Compliance Center:
    • Within the settings, look for the Security and Compliance Center. Click on this option to access the security settings for your Office 365 account.
  3. Navigate to Threat Management:
    • In the Security and Compliance Center, find the Threat Management option. This is where you can configure advanced security features, including S/MIME encryption.
  4. Enable S/MIME Encryption:
    • Once in the Threat Management section, locate the option for S/MIME settings. Enable S/MIME encryption by toggling the appropriate switch or checkbox. This step activates the encryption feature for your emails.
  5. Configure S/MIME Settings:
    • After enabling S/MIME encryption, proceed to configure the specific settings according to your preferences. This may include selecting the encryption algorithm, key management, and certificate settings. Ensure that you follow best practices for a secure configuration.

What are the best practices for using email encryption in Office 365?

To optimize the use of email encryption in Office 365, consider the following best practices:
  1. Enable Transport Layer Security (TLS): Ensure that TLS is enabled for secure communication between email servers. This encrypts the connection, adding an extra layer of protection during the transmission of emails.
  2. Implement Office 365 Message Encryption (OME): Utilize Office 365 Message Encryption to safeguard sensitive information. This feature allows you to encrypt and protect email content, ensuring that only authorized recipients can access and decipher the encrypted messages.
  3. Set up Data Loss Prevention (DLP) Policies: Configure DLP policies to automatically detect and encrypt sensitive information within emails. This helps prevent accidental data leaks and ensures that confidential data is consistently protected through encryption measures.
  4. Use Rights Management Services (RMS): Leverage Azure Rights Management Services to control access to sensitive emails even after they have been sent. RMS allows you to set permissions, such as restricting forwarding, copying, or printing of emails, providing an additional layer of security beyond the initial encryption.
  5. Educate Users on Secure Email Practices: Conduct regular training sessions to educate users on secure email practices. Emphasize the importance of recognizing phishing attempts, using strong passwords, and being cautious with email attachments. Human awareness is a critical aspect of overall email security.

Why is setting up encrypted email in Office 365 important?

Setting up encrypted email in Office 365 is essential for ensuring the security and privacy of business communications. By following the steps outlined in this guide and utilizing the available encryption options in Office 365, organizations can protect sensitive information from unauthorized access and mitigate the risk of data breaches.

How can I start setting up encrypted email in Office 365?

Start setting up encrypted email in Office 365 today to safeguard your communication channels.